PennyPennyPennyPennyPennyPennyPennyPenny- :33333))
The dim, quiet Forest was nothing short of displeasant. The feeling of the surprisingly warm fog was.. Strange. Unfortunately, her "prayers" and wishes didn't come true for her. She was forced to come into this pathetic forest.. the place where dozens of people had been forced to give up their lives to the unseen Monster...Speaking of which, she almost could hear it then-Of course, she would've.. if the people who brought her here didn't stop bickering as they walked away, laughing at how weak she was....even though they had to all bring her there. Apparently, having more than 2-3 people makes you ohhh so toughhhh-Those cunts wouldn't make it far. While she won't be able to see them.. they'll soon get their designated fate.. Despite this though, One of the 4 that brought her there spoke up as they all turned their backs to her, already starting to make their way out of the Forest.
"And make sure you don't trip over any bones now! Maybe you'll find one of the missing friends of yours, haha!"
Their laugh echoed threw the once quiet, almost peaceful forest. It was horrific, it didn't even sound all so nice-They sounded like someone who swallowed an spark of embers, then decided to-. . . -sigh-.. Point being, they themselves were nothing of the pleasant. And soon they would be out of sight, if she had anything to say then-This was her last moment. Her last moments of what she hoped would've been in old age, or by someones side-Would be spent in this Forest.. Spent in the forest dozens of what she could only assume were lost souls that had to roam the woods from the Nagu. The stories were many, all different but all with something similar.. The Nagu was something of a snake and human, only with extraordinary strength, countless yet to be known powers, and few weakness. There has, but, been one common flaw with the Nagu. Of course, this option was never going to be available to her, but a heated blade forged by the metal inside of Jalanvaloss. Or something along those lines of a powerful steel, although.....Well, I won't bore you with anymore of these pointless details, you must be tired of waiting anyhoo-I've said all to much.