Hi! Thanks for trying the game. It is really good to hear that the game was fun to play!
Thanks for the improvement suggestions too! I managed to fix the problem with 2! All the elements come from outside of the screen and also their speed is lower to avoid situation in which is impossible to dodge. The bug with number 1 is more difficult and for now I have no idea on how to solve it. I'm using LootLocker service for leaderboard management (as suggested on the jam page) which I haven't used before. I have probably done something wrong with the setup but I'm afraid I might not be able to fix this before the jam time is over (only 2 hours left!)
I additionally, tried to make the game generally a bit easier at the beginning and also made an adjustment to scoring (player also gains point the longer they play even if they don't collect items). So there is some unfortunate inflation in you highscore. Sorry about that. But you can always try the game again to keep on top!