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This game has a ton of potential! I really liked the loading in of the maps, and that you could press TAB if you needed to reset (if you got stuck in a wall, per se). The goblins themselves aren't much of a threat, it's more about their teleportation abilities, that they can be in the bottom of the map and then teleport to the top. I couldn't tell if they were slowly re spawning back one by one, but I managed to complete a level, so eventually they stop spawning back in. Every playthough certainly is unique with its map shape, but I feel that there are too many blips on the map to shoot down that it becomes less fun over time. Perhaps a smaller map or newer variants of goblins? Perhaps environmental traps or powerups? Anyway, I enjoyed this game a bunch, good job!

Thank you for the feedback!

More map variants, power ups/interactable map elements and more Goblin types are already planned.

They do not respawn but they teleport because there is no way for me to check if the Goblin is in a place that is unreachable for the player and that created the problem of having to wait for the last few Goblins to teleport close to the player.

Making the map smaller would be a good idea for a possible fix, thank you for the idea :)