ok so from what i can tell you
are learning C++ because there are more stuff that have to be added for polish
you are (maybe) new to english because there are grammar errors
all i can say is 1 you can't just tell someone what to do and call it a game i like the battle screen very much but when you enter the game it just says "type 1 to (do something)
"type 2 to (do something else)"
you can get bored very easily while playing so i suggest working on that like maybe you can add syntax to use like
interact (insert item name here)
look (insert place here)
and as someone who has made a text based adventure before i can say it is pretty easy to lose motivation so stay determined and if you can \ want you can learn some type of graphics library like SDL2 or you can learn to use unreal engine which uses C++ for scripting and also yeah for being the only person to participate in the jam you have won
also if u want to make your game a .exe file all you need to do is go to the command prompt/terminal (you need to apply a C++ compiler to it) go to the file using cd
when using VS the file will most likely be the one shown below
just write cd source/repos/(project name)/(project name again)
press enter then use the g++ command in your game it likely will be just
g++ game.cpp
then if u want to use the command prompt/terminal for it you can write ./a.out or you can go to files and see the .exe file