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A member registered Dec 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks a lot for the feedback, i appreciate it

i really loved how the game looked and the sound, and it's impressive how polished the game was for a game made in 48 hours, but the gameplay was kind of weird and hard to grasp, nevertheless it's pretty good and i can see it become a full on game if you give it some time

thanks for the feedback, im glad you enjoyed it

i liked it alot but the system is weird, and needs a bit or learning, the gaem is short and simple, i think if there were more types of people, more slot machines, more everything, if this game gets expanded it would make for a cool game, esspecially for mobiles, i think if yu worked on it for a few weeks/ months and published it on mobiles, you would end up having a very succesful game

thanks alot for the feedback i appreciate it, as i mentioned before if you want to try the bug free version, its available on my profile.

cool game, i liked the idea, though its a bit hard to aim exactly, its pretty fun for a few minutes, but if you want to make it more enjoyable adding powerups, harder enemies, bigger arenas, diffrent swords and knights, you would have a killer mobile game that i'm sure would attract thousands, the idea is simple and perfect for a mobile release

yes, due to the time limit, i couldn't add combat, so instead, i wanted to make puzzles, i got an asset pack for and FPS puzzle game, and it was pretty similar to portal, and tbh without that asset pack the game would've been parkour based, which i didn't think fit the game all too well

great game, i loved the idea and the execution

i loved it, very creative idea!

the game is fixed now, you can find it on my profile, but please if anyone sees this comment, rate the submission not the fixed version, i dont want a rating that i dont deserve, thank you

i fixed the game and put it in myy profile, so now you can play the game with nearly all bugs fixed, just go to my profile and you'll see it. and to everyone seeing this please rate the submission not the fixed version. i dont want to have a rating that my game doesn't deserve, thank you

thanks, it means a lot, I apologize for the bugs, I had to publish the game without play testing because of the time limit

yes, the third puzzle has a laser input that’s put a bit too high for the beam to reach it, I’ll fix it and put a new file on the itch.Io page, and I’ll fix some other bug while at it, thanks for the feedback 

I am so sorry, when I was testing the 3rd puzzle it worked, but after I packaged the game, and played it after submitting the third level wasn’t working, I needed to lower the laser input thing, idk if I can fix it while the jam is still on, but I’ll add a new file on the itch.up page in a few hours, and the third puzzle will work hopefully

i really liked the idea but i think you could've done more in two days, like a few more levels or maybe a better artstyle, but overall i enjoyed it

i am soo sorry, as i explained in the other comment i accidentally put the game on cinematic mode and also didnt have time to make an options menu which i shouldve made from the start, ill update the gamme and hopefully itll be better

id u want help ( to finsh the first half of the first chamber you need to jump off the platform at the right moment and grapple onto the white platform then u will proceed to the other half) also i desgined the gun at the beggning because it was suppoesed to be an fps but i couldnt figure that out but there is combat ( that is shit) but other than that, if i could i wouldve removed the combat entirley from the game but it was too late at the time

yeah as it turns out, i accidently put the game on cinematic mode and  since i am using an rtx 3060 i thought it stuttered because of the unreal editor or smthn but i will update it and fix that problem thank you for your comment

the game looks so good and i cant wait for more gameplay

the game looks so good, the music is epic, while i did want actual gameplay, the graphics and artstyle and sound made up for it would love to see this idea being expanded upon

art style looks not bad, but the gameplay isnt that good the enemies escape out of the screen and i dont know what the objective is.

(1 edit)

the game doesnt open, it shows an error

the game looks good, i love the artstyle, just wanted to see some gameplay, but this could make for an epic game

this game looks epic, the visuals, the hands, the particles, everything i just wanted to see more gameplay but i think if the creator had more time to actually put some gameplay it wouldve been perfect

visuals 10/10

gameplay 3/10

the game looks great but there it was hard to know what to do until i found the no clip wall i then went to a garage thing and saw a monster which barley did any damage but its good i would to see the idea being improved upon

go to terminal and type cd then press space and type the folder your cpp program is in and press enter then enter the g++ command (along with the cpp file) and it should be done the app itself will be in that folder it'll be named "a" if u want to name it when compiling type the g++ command normally then press space and type -o "the name of app" and it should work

update: after 2 hours of debugging i think i'll just learn unreal engine

oh that's a shame maybe you can use SDL2 i tried learning it (but yeha i couldn't) maybe you can it's really great for making games and rendering stuff all i managed to render was a green screen but maybe you can learn it ( there are tutorials on yt and this one ---> by lazyfoo)

ok thank you

i am currently learning unreal so i don't know if i will have enough time to make a unreal game so i'll make a text based adventure then make a unreal game if i have enough time

no prob keep up and i hope you the best of luck

just asking if also can i submit two entries


ok so from what i can tell you

are learning C++ because there are more stuff that have to be added for polish

you are (maybe) new to english because there are grammar errors

all i can say is 1 you can't just tell someone what to do and call it a game i like the battle screen very much but when you enter the game it just says "type 1 to (do something)


"type 2 to (do something else)"

you can get bored very easily while playing so i suggest working on that like maybe you can add syntax to use like 

interact (insert item name here)

look (insert place here)

and as someone who has made a text based adventure before i can say it is pretty easy to lose motivation so stay determined and if you can \ want you can learn some type of graphics library like SDL2 or you can learn to use unreal engine which uses C++ for scripting and also yeah for being the only person to participate in the jam you have won

also if u want to make your game a .exe file all you need to do is go to the command prompt/terminal (you need to apply a C++ compiler to it) go to the file using cd

when using VS the file will most likely be the one shown below

just write cd source/repos/(project name)/(project name again)

press enter then use the g++ command in your game it likely will be just

g++ game.cpp

then if u want to use the command prompt/terminal for it you can write ./a.out or you can go to files and see the .exe file

ok so from what i can tell you

are learning C++ because there are more stuff that have to be added for polish

you are (maybe) new to english because there are grammar errors

all i can say is 1 you can't just tell someone what to do and call it a game i like the battle screen very much but when you enter the game it just says "type 1 to (do something)


"type 2 to (do something else)"

you can get bored very easily while playing so i suggest working on that like maybe you can add syntax to use like 

interact (insert item name here)

look (insert place here)

and as someone who has made a text based adventure before i can say it is pretty easy to lose motivation so stay determined and if you can \ want you can learn some type of graphics library like SDL2 or you can learn to use unreal engine which uses C++ for scripting and also yeah for being the only person to participate in the jam you have won

ok so from what i can tell you

are learning C++ because there are more stuff that have to be added for polish

you are (maybe) new to english because there are grammar errors

all i can say is 1 you can't just tell someone what to do and call it a game i like the battle screen very much but when you enter the game it just says "type 1 to (do something)


"type 2 to (do something else)"

you can get bored very easily while playing so i suggest working on that like maybe you can add syntax to use like 

interact (insert item name here)

look (insert place here)

and as someone who has made a text based adventure before i can say it is pretty easy to lose motivation so stay determined and if you can \ want you can learn some type of graphics library like SDL2 or you can learn to use unreal engine which uses C++ for scripting and also yeah for being the only person to participate in the jam you have won