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Hey so a few notes from the last version I played:

I like that it doesnt play a blaring horn when someone shows up anymore and its just a subtle tap on the window. much better in my opinion.

Like a few other people I saw there I have never had one of the machines break and require fixing. I still hear the sound that I believe to be a machine breaking. the gasp sound. In the previous version that would always mean something is broken. it has not happened once yet.

the video playback is very very choppy and slow in the gallery now. the video that I had on the previous build was smooth and had no issues.

the clock on top displays strange times sometimes. What I believe should be 8 is sometimes 1. sometimes its bugged.

I am not sure if this is a bug but the pc doesnt appear to change at all if I swap it with a different model that I have bought.

Everything has become much more blurry and dark compared to the previous version. the darker part could be fine. but it overall looks a bit worse like someone put vaseline on the screen which I do not like. If there was an option to turn up the brightness I think this would be the best option.

Sometimes the girls will be in different positions when they come up the windows still. Sammi will sometimes be halfway behind the wall and appears to be looking at me through the wall. I dont know if that is intentional or not. I havent lost as of yet so I dont think its unfair just noting that.

last note the desk is too far away. having it be on the opposite side of the room makes most of the customization items feel quite pointless because I can hardly see anything.

I appreciate the new features but overall the game does feel a bit worse now almost entirely because half of the challenge that being having to go and fix things appears to be broken. I do like where the game is headed and I do think and hope you guys

will be able to address the issues that have popped up here.


Thank you so much Direwolf for this critique, we would be heading nowhere fast if it wasn't without your assistance!
1: We will be definitely adjusting the RNG and releasing a build within the next week. Multiple times this has come up. I do believe that the fixing minigame is the most essential part of the admin room level. So we need to make sure it is something that needs constant upkeep. A fellow player mentioned that possibly the gooroom camera minigame should be an upkeep, rather than rng. (Just means you have to go in and crank it every 30 seconds or so) We are very open to experimentation. 

The Video Playback is an issue with Unreal itself. We have a fix in mind that will likely be rolled out during a major update. 

Ill be sure to have them look at the clock a bit more, perhaps its triggers are missing something.

And with the darkness/Vaseline comment. We have been experimenting with the visuals, so I appreciate the feedback. None of that stuff is grounded and will be changed if need be. 

The desk is a difficult one, since we cared more about the doors when we were looking at pov. We wanted to make sure you could see both doors decently while in the mid position. We could move the desk towards the player, but that might not allow enough room for the robot to come inside.  We will play around with it and see what we can do. 

Once again, I appreciate the feedback! I hope you will continue to enjoy our game!

Thanks for the response. I appreciate the communication. I do think having it be constant would be a better mechanic and have the rng be soley on the girls showing up to the office. I think the best option would be as the nights go on things break more often with less rng for the girls showing up so they show up more often.

The video playback makes sense. When I did game development stuff it was mostly in unity but I do have a friend who worked with unreal and he did complain about some things like video playback being annoying. I cant fault you for that all that much. One thing to add for the clock the 5 is backwards during 5:00. other than that the time is right nights last the right amount of time I believe.

Yea I would say the main thing for the desk is the customization aspect. the customization options could be made bigger maybe or other stuff in addition to the desk like posters maybe could make the customization better. I really do like the game I think you have a lot of good ideas.

yeah I agree with everything Direwolf said the game is kinda worse now since it doesn't work properly. The gameplay for me is just shutting the doors and squeezing the toy since nothing breaks now.