Couple ideas.
1st: Involves coins and vending machines.
Combine coins into mixed change at an amount of cents, dollar's worth is the highest allowed when combining, can add coins to mixed change. Use mixed change in vending machines for items at prices, machines wouldn't carry infinite items.
Other things:
- Able to separate coins by "combining" mixed change by itself, fills empty slots with each coin (drops coins if all slots are full like melon slice recipe).
- There would be stock counter aside vending machines, telling you how much is left of each item. Adjusts per purchase.
2nd: Scaling language notebooks and adding spice.
Table is of similar format format from my previous idea post. Numbers are how many blanks are expected per sentence in language notebook, difficulty shows scale for notebooks numbers.
I used 1st language notebook for character and blank distractions example. All distractions would be bright-orange to bright-red as color range, characters can be numbers or symbols only, blanks are just blanks. Ignore distractions and focus on required blanks that are dim-yellow.
Other things:
- Anger per incorrect character would remain the same on all difficulties, slightly less than current Default difficulty (alpha 0.0.9).
- Required blanks generate first, distractions generate second. These would never overlap when generating. Ex: "QwErTyUiOp" on 10th Brainiac language notebook would have no distractions as all 10 letters are blanked out first.
Hopefully not too long of a comment. Eh...probably is. Also, language notebooks need something interesting when collecting later language notebooks.