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I've been thinking about you guys a lot recently so I decided to write this message even though it's quite a late reply... I was horrified to see how much bad luck you have all gone through.  It's true that in the beginning I subscribed because I wanted to know more about the game development, but I feel like I am more into just hearing about how you guys are doing now more than anything else. I really wish to just cheer you on as a team so each update that you give is very much appreciated. Hope everything works out for you guys! Also I hope that Sally feels better soon. It was a very brave of her to share that message with us given how personal it was. I feel bad for her feeling guilty... Cause even though I don't know the full situation I don't think it was her fault. Like many other people in the comment section already said.. Morphine is highly addictive... I was glad to hear that she's recieving support and help though :) I am sending over lots of love and support for you all <3


Hi Sica!

Sorry for the late reply, your comment passed through like a ninja.

Thank you a LOT for your kind words! It really means a lot, mostly these days. Things haven't been easy in the past, and they still aren't. It's very nice of you to worry like that (please don't ruin your health worrying though!), and having such a comprehensive and kind fanbase has done more for us those past years than any medical update.

We'll try to give some news soon. Unti then, we'll tell Sally how kind and thoughtful you all have been and still are, it will help her feel better in the hospital I'm sure!