Oh lol I just realized you did beat the rainbow road map. You're the first one to do it except for me and my older brother. When he beat it he said that he found the rainbow map easier than the hell one, which I personally couldn't understand at all. I did intend the hell map to be a hard final map, but it was definitely supposed to be beatable compared to the rainbow one that was just intentionally super hard. another friend told me he found the jungle map the hardest?? Interesting to see how different people find different maps harder or easier.
Yeah, I agree with your older brother. Hell map was definitely the hardest. I think it's because of the sharp turns - that's what made hell literal hell for me haha. Rainbow had a lot slower turns and even had railings to prevent you from falling, so it took like 5 attempts to beat it, whereas hell took like 50. But again, I was spamming Spacebar, so maybe that's the reason 😁