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A member registered Dec 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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Making a game without an engine in 4 days is absolute madness lmao. The build doesn't work properly for me, but the fact that it is even playable at all is impressive. Kudos to you

Very elegant and polished entry! Didn't expect it to get so difficult. In the games with the multiple items there are even several ways to beat them :) Fun to play

Yeah, I actually beat it! Was a lot of fun. The collectables were well hidden but still pretty fair. The platforming felt a bit sloppy and the giant ball was a bit confusing, but the camera change on the labyrinth and the smol castle were great! Also liked the dynamic of small being faster while big jumps higher!

Yeah, in my experience click+place gameplay doesnt mesh well with a hectic setting. Stressful, time attack games work better with buttons or maybe simple clicking. It can work with macros, but then it will still have an insanely steep learning curve if there are a lot of options (e.g. rts games).

You can still lose with great stuff if you get unlucky. The balancing is all over the place. High Dexterity is op.

Yeah, the graphics were placeholders that I made in a matter of minutes or sometimes even seconds. Didn't have time to make anything look good and I'm not really an artist anyway. Glad you liked the game! It was a lot of fun to make. I might consider expanding it in the future.

As for the inventory system: I gave each item a list with coordinates of the tiles it was taking up (starting from the top left corner and then I just had the inventory iterate through that list to check if those places are free. But that's probably a super bad solution. I'm certain there are much better ways to code it. Probably better to save the shape of the objects in a grid too lol.

Very very very creative holy shit. Presentation is also crazy for 4 days. Did your artist sleep art all? It feels super polished too. This is  complete game

Very unique style and artsy feel! Difficulty landed really well imo. It was really funny when they suddenly came out with the decimal points :)

Really solid and fun game and the camera zoom really makes the "scaling" part tangible. Two things I would've liked: 1.) Pause while building or at least let me decide when I'm ready for the next wave
2.) Faster and bigger bullets. Enemy bullets can stay slow so you get value out of your thrusters to dodge them, but player bullets being super slow feels very awkward.

Really fun game and well desgned! One problem I've noticed: The segments should attach behind the head instead of at the very tail. Right now, if you are hit close behind your head you have no way of removing the ice, since it will just stay in this unreachable position! The idea with enemies you have to surround was amazing! Could really be expanded on as well. Love the idea

Really fun idea! The gradual camera zoom and funky control scheme were great design choices. Very elegant and to the point in the "tutorial". I felt like it devolved into a complete clusterfuck of wildly swinging around a bit too quickly. The curve from a slower, surgical start to a chaotic bloodbath is super satisfying, but it should only happen around the final minute ideally imo.

Wow I love the way the snake plays. That bite was so incredibly juicy. I was super confused the first ~10 minutes of playing because I kept getting my score to 10 and .. dying. I was aware of the over-eating mechanic, but I didn't understand that I have to go back to the host to "deliver" the points. Also, when I finally figured it out, I didn't find the host right away

Fun game! The ice physics and the way the wall jump worked made it quite tricky sometimes but it was still reasonably difficult. The level desgin was really well done and there so many of them too

It took me a bit to understand what the "cost" meant. So if I understand this right, the cost is also subtracted from the black hole size and each click drives up the cost until you get to the next stage when it resets? But it seemed to me like there was quite a bit of RNG involved as well. I literally "lost" on the second click once. Highest score I could get was 4,9 mil by only ever choosing the rightmost upgrade and ignoring the other two

Man I remember trying to find a fun tower defense game on my phone on a long train ride not long ago. All the TD games in the store were just glorified clicker games and not very fun to play. Even in this gamejam version your game is already more fun to play than anything I found on the google play store and I'm not even joking. The presentation is also super well done, especially considering you worked on this solo! Super well done

Every key afte the first one was almost impossible to pick up. I guess that's what the "bug" was referring to (I held down both mouse buttons while loading though) I still managed to do it by jumping on it repeatedly until the physics lifted it up enough for me to be able to pick it up. The right hand could've been utilised more! It could've been used to help you climb higher by making a stair of increasingly big boxes etc. Really like the idea with the left and right hand! Felt very intuitive to work with

I worked on it solo, so I completely sacrificed the visuals, sounds and balancing in order to cram in as much content as possible so doesn't feel as repetetive. I think I really achieved that last part somewhat so that's great :)

Thanks for the comment! I am considering on doing a fully-fledged version of the game in the future. Was a lot of fun to work on.

Thanks for the feedback!
What exactly do you mean by "the game loop"? The combat? Or that a full playthrough takes too long?
I am actually considering to make this into a full game in the future, so I'm glad for any feedback I can get on this current build!

Interesting. Couldn't replicate the crash. Not that I could fix it now, was just curious how that happened.
Thanks for the feedback!

Haha! I had absolutely no time to balance the game. Bobby is still beatable, but only by abusing the items that are equally overpowered and having a very high Dexterity. But if you get unlucky he can still kill you.
Glad you liked it!

The controls feel super smooth. The pushing mechanic is very intuitive and fun to play with. Music and artstyle matched the relaxing feel really well. Nice one

This was pretty fun actually. Controls feel smooth and the difficulty landed well

Absolute banger! It has a real nostalgic feel for me. It has such a PS2/N64 era style that's just so lovable.

Oh hey, I like this kind of resource management game!
I think what would have made it a lot more interesting would've been to shift the randomness factor from the customer demands to the resource generation if you know what I mean. Right now generating resources and building monster is completely reliable and predictable, but the RNG only comes with the customer demands, which you have no way of making educated guesses about before. Really liked the idea and aesthetics still!

Super lovely and charmful. The levels were thought out really well

Nice level design! Is barely beatable on my small laptop display though because the max window size is cap'ed by disaply size, I did mange though :)

Really fun game and surprisingly stable

Very well designed to have some serious decision making tension. Feels super polished and juicy and was fun to play

See, this is good game it just doesn't live up to what we were promised at the E3 2007...
(Jokes aside, this is extremely impressive. I'd love a spiritual successor of Spore focusing on the cell stage only)

Amazing work on that camera and art. The 2d to 3d switch was delivered soo well and the animations are all really juicy

This was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. It has a super satisfying learning curve and elegant flow to it. Super creative idea too. Loved it

Nice idea and it's got some nice and elegant simplicity. The tuning for the speed and stuff was pretty off for my tastes. It's so damn difficult to hit the snowball in time for the shrink to actually do something... but it doesn't even matter because being hit by the snowball barely does anything :)

Looks and sounds super lovely! The idea is also very creative and a nice take on the theme. I didn't really feel like a lot of the cards had much strategic value. In the end all that really mattered was having high weight.

The grappling hook could've used some more work. I'm not entirely happy with how it works. But I'm glad you enjoyed and and actually managed to collect the floppies too :) 

A lot of fun to play and I really love those animations and music. The physics are a bit odd and abusing them (like flying by spamming jump while tethered) seems like the best way to hang objects on the hooks. But nevermind that. I really like the flow of the game

Amazing idea! I would've loved a "wait" button to pass a turn, other than that the concept works really well. 

The rare and threatening 3d gamemaker game! Mom get the camera!
Great game, really lovable artstyle! Cool take on the genre

Trying to figure out where I can and can't go and what has and hasn't got a hitbox was very confusing at times. I beat the tutorial but was completely lost on the first level. The mechanics are really cool though. I like the variable gravity and movement.

I had a lot of fun with this one! Super creative idea. There were definitely a few things that could've been improved for a final release. Combat is pretty clunky and the best way to play is to interact with enemies as little as possible anyway. Also, getting gold was too trivial. Matching a couple of blocks was easy and the only thing gating you is your own patience. But either way: amazing game, loved it

If you really wanna go BIG, give upgrades for reload speed but award them only for good play, like hitting multiple big drones with rockets consecutively :D

It's a fun game and pretty satisfying. I think the difficulty curve could've stayed the way it is, but the player needs to scale along with it somehow. The way it's now, you can comfortably play for about a minute or two and then the enemies must mathematically overwhelm you. By the time it takes to reload, more enemies spawn than you can kill with the ammo you gained.