Hummm, I downloaded both the x32 and x64 versions, put into seperate forlders, removed the saved files under the user AppData/Roaming folder (twice) then started the game, the folder was remade but all folders under the Stive folder are empty with the eception of the Save folder.
The path statement in the options is user://bodies user://protrates but in the Stive folder these are empty.
You say lower the amount... lower what? How?
If I put the correct path into the box in the options the program fails to start...
I have a Win 7 Pro OS with 12 GB of ram, I play Skyrim almost daily and never have a problem whith images, and some of the background / envornment images are very large in size...
It would be nice to have the images, the ones I have seen ( a few...) are of high quality.