Played a run as the hiker since I'm used to games like Crawl where I can heal by resting. Food clock seems pretty well balanced around that, I still had to look for food but never ran completely out. Camera rotation is neat, I expected a topdown/isometric toggle from the screenshots. Well done on that. Mutations (at least the ones I saw) were creative and I'll probably try Experiment next.
Two complaints: I wasn't sure exactly where to get new bullets. Didn't see any on the ground but I think I picked up a few from enemies. The other is that, being used to traditional roguelikes, I kept wanting to use the numpad for movement. Sometimes using the mouse was a little swingy for me. Read the page as soon as I posted this and realized I had NumLock off. Controlling with the NumPad is quite good.
Game is fun, good job. I would play it again.