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A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Fun game, art is nice. Seems like it's off to a great start. Will definitely replay when more of the systems that appear to be unfinished are in.

Incredible premise and writing, I had a lot of fun with it even if gameplay got stale.  I'm ready for the full bosoball league.

Nice little game. The graphics are cute and the game is really intuitive once you figure out what each building does. I would suggest rebalancing the upgrades. A 50-100% damage increase from holy water is way better than the swords or bows, even if it takes a lot longer to make. 

Got pretty poor performance from the browser version, but it sounds like that's something being improved. The sprites are nice, my only complaint is I wish I was a little closer to the action. Also, a map or minimap would help me navigate the mines, but maybe I'm just a casual. Anyway, really promising game and I look forward to punching more gobbos.

As an avid texting-while-driving fan I had high hopes for this game and it didn't disappoint. Simple and fun.

(1 edit)

There's a bug in this version where enemies do 0 damage. It will be fixed in the next version.

Thanks for the suggestions on controls and UI, I had almost forgotten about the state of the initiative display with all the other features that need tending.

Cleave and Divine Protection are targeted abilities, so you have to click on who you want them to affect. I'll try to make this clearer in the future, maybe with a mouse cursor icon.

Party member relationships (as well as more in depth relationships with the player) were suggested a while ago, and I definitely plan to implement them. It might be a few versions away, since I want to have the mechanics all smooth before I dive into story and characters.

Thanks for playing.

I appreciate the nitpicking, thanks! It's good to know even little things that could be improved.

Considering the game will need to be played one-handed in distant future versions, I should really consolidate everything down to just mouse or a handful of keys.

I'm glad to see people making it to double-digit fight numbers. In the pre-abilities version, it was tough to get to even 5 or 6 fights without everyone dying. Hopefully it'll find a balance sweet spot after I add enemies with abilities.

Not sure why party members are losing value so much, they should only losing it from heal-related jealousy and being ordered to change their target/use their abilities. I'll see if I can replicate it - I suspect they may be losing value from their own decision to use their ability.

A little "You Won" pops up if you beat ten fights, but they're all identical until I get around to adding different types of enemies. That will probably come in the next update or two.

Healing made more sense as a downtime ability from a game design perspective, but it doesn't make a ton of sense in-context. The first bit of story in the game might be a lore explanation for why it can't be done in combat.

More information (numbers included) are going to be in soon, that's been a common feedback.

Thanks for playing.

Fair enough. Prediction would remove a good bit of the challenge. Looking forward to future updates.

I think the problem with the menus is, on first playthrough, I don't know which ones are important and which can be skipped over until later. Like not having any guests unlocked - I would suggest making this button flash or have a brightly colored outline if I haven't gone to that menu yet so I know it's important at this stage in the game.

Thanks for playing. Not sure which version you downloaded, I put up a patch recently which should have removed the crash people kept having.

I appreciate the feedback on which parts of the (temporary) UI are confusing. The number boxes just display the party member's target, which can be changed by clicking on them then hitting NumPad 1-4. Abilities are just activated when in color and will be used on that party member's turn. As far as battle speed, right now it only comes with 2 options. Painfully slow, and way too fast. I'll probably just make it a slider in the next version. It can be changed in the Options menu (ESC).

Party members can be given commands, but it costs Value to do so, so it's not something to do every time. That said, I keep encountering bugs where it doesn't cost value in certain situations.

Art coming as soon as I can scrape together enough to commission an artist or learn2draw.

Neat movement demo. Had a lot of fun trying to get the bunnyhopping right and slinging myself around with the grapple. ALMOST made it to the top of those hand things.

The tutorial text was kind of hard to read as is, especially since it's glowing white and there are occasionally glowing white objects behind it.

Wallrunning felt a little floaty, since I could almost scale verticle walls just by wiggling a bit and mashing jump.

Overall a lot of fun, looking forward to seeing what other game elements get stuck in this world.

I'm not much for VN's or feet, so I didn't get all the way through to an ending.

That said, what I saw was really well done. The art is great and the music/sound effects are nice. What story I got to wasn't bad.

Good work, this seems like a quality VN.

Neat little game. Enjoyed flying around and shooting enemies, though maneuvering is a little tricky.

Would have been nice to have more indication of where enemies spawn, which planets can be docked at, and how much health I had left. If there were, I didn't see them.

Really nice graphics, good job on that.

Would've been nice for the cursor to show a prediction of how my projectile will bounce. As it is, I only went for straight shots since I didn't expect to get any on the bounce.

Also, might be nice if they bounced more than once. Could be an upgrade.

I won! 

Nice graphics, I really like the minimalist style. Combat didn't seem too tough, since I only took damage if I missed all my rolls, which happened maybe once.

It was a little bit annoying sometimes when I would roll ~15 damage on a 3 health orc, but it was also fun to watch it all rack up on the tougher enemies.

Looking forward to the next demo.

I wasn't sold on the turn-based platforming concept from your progress posts, but it turned out to be pretty fun.  Gets a little hectic once there are more than 2 enemies and the screen is covered in red squares, but that speaks more to my bad play than a bad concept.

Nice art, looking forward to seeing more to do in future versions.

Congrats on making to another Demo Day. Fun game, keep up the good work.

Had one enemy end up inside a wall, but I was still able to shoot him so it wasn't much of a bug.

Very pretty game, nice pixel work.

Got a crash while playing around with menus, I'll post the error message at the end. The jump attack animation was a little clunky compared to the others, but overall the animation is nice.

The plant golem was the only enemy I encountered. I might suggest making him move a little more. For most of the fight he stayed in one corner of the arena.

Looking forward to future versions with debugged options menus, since Shift is a little annoying to use for an attack on account of Sticky Keys.



action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oMenu:

Variable oMenu.keyEnter(100168, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_oMenu_Step_0


gml_Object_oMenu_Step_0 (line -1)

Great atmosphere, the graphical style and music/effects make for a very eerie atmosphere. I thought the placing of torches was done well - I was always almost out of candle by the time I got to the next one. Great way to build tension.

I agree with other commenters that the monsters were the least spooky part of the game - I was more on edge just wandering around than when I actively encountered a monster.

Overall, well done. Looking forward to getting spooked in future demos.

I got filtered.

Too much of a platformlet to solve most of the puzzles. On the graphics and sound side, reminds me a lot of flash games I played years ago. If that's what you're going for, good job.

Spikes are a little unforgiving, despite the many times I landed in them I was never able to get out and inevitably lost all 3 lives. The level of zoom made it hard to see what was coming, but maybe that's intentional for the puzzles.

Seems like a solid puzzle platformer, for those with more skill than me.

Solid, fast-paced 3d platformer. Nice work on the skeleton's animations.

I had forgotten this game's UI hell from progress posts. The first dungeon I played I think I hadn't unlocked any guests yet, which I didn't realize due to all the menus and buttons. Kind of a pain to sift through them all.

I would suggest a little more visual (and in the future, audio) feedback. If my camera wasn't pointed correctly. it was hard to tell if I had hit coins or boxes right.

Not exactly my kind of game, but it looks good and the idea of "NSFW 3d platformer" is fun to see. Keep it up.

Glad you could make it to Demo Day.

Played until I got one shot by some scary skeletons down the road from Adol's house. The graphics and music are really excellent, the low-poly old school look done right.

I didn't get far enough to see much, but the view from the tutorial temple made it look like there's a lot to explore in this version. Only complaints in the bit I got to was Adol's line "knife is better than nothing, thank you" seems like it should be spoken by the player and not Adol. Also, is "Informations" in the Journal deliberate? Seems like it should be "Information."

Looking forward to trying this one again and getting enough stats to use the hand axe.

Excellent little puzzle game.

Meant to be played in fullscreen, it seems. UI elements were a little too small in the browser window. Sound design, both the ambient stuff like the wind and the building sounds were great. Matches the art style for peak comfy. I played through the rocks level and intend to come back to play the rest.

Only problem I had was deselecting options. Wasn't a huge issue, but I like being able to have no option selected. It was possible by pressing the corresponding key ("T" to deselect house, etc) but not by clicking the appropriate button, which would have been nice.

Not sure if you're intending to add music, but that might enhance the atmosphere further.

Overall, great work.

(1 edit)

I haven't played any of the Diablo games much, so I'm not 100% sure I was playing this right. Music and graphics were nice, had that old school feel.

I found myself swapping between sword and bow a lot, which looked like it immediately replenished my health when I switched items. Looks like someone else had the same bug but it didn't actually restore any health, just visually fill up the orb.

One thing I would appreciate is some kind of feedback when you damage an enemy, like a floating damage number or something. Most enemies had an animation when I hit them which made it obvious I was doing something, but some enemies didn't and those that did wouldn't always play the animation.

Was fun to play for a few floors and looks promising.

Devving on your honeymoon is massive gmi energy.

Combat was a lot of fun and very intuitive (I played on a controller).  Enemy weapon variety was nice, though I didn't see any weapons for me besides the sword. Maybe I needed to explore more. Looking forward to trying the ball and chain.

I wasn't able to get the "dodge while running" thing to work, since sprint seems to be bound to holding down the dodge key by default. It also wasn't clear whether I could interrupt enemy attacks. I was able to shoot one of the claw guys mid-charge to interrupt him, but the axe-spinning guy was unstunnable.

I realized pretty quick I could guard break shields on the first non-tutorial shield guy, but it might be something worth including in future tutorials. 

Graphics and animations are good, worth exploring just to see the island environments. One visual change I might make is to distinguish player damage numbers from enemy numbers. When I was in close quarters it wasn't clear which numbers were damage I was taking.

Overall, a lot of fun for an early demo and I'll definitely pick it up again.

(1 edit)

I’ll make it more obvious in the future that the turn speed can be adjusted in the options menu. The UI being opaque is a common complaint, so it’s a priority.

The intention is that you only lose when all party members hit 0, but allies with no health don’t take turns and can’t be targeted for attacks, so it’s good to keep them alive. I’ll include that in a future how-to-play.

Thanks for playing.

(2 edits)

Thanks for posting the error message. It seems the Barbarian's Cleave ability (the last thing I added before publishing this version) has been causing this error. Expect a patch tomorrow.

In the mean time, I've made the previous version available for download again, which doesn't have the party member abilities. It should be stable if you'd like to try those features still present in v0.2.2.

Any idea what caused the crash? I can try to slap a quick fix on it.

Thanks for playing, it looks like the Barbarian's "cleave" ability is causing those crashes since it isn't properly finding a target. I'll put together a "How to Play" soon.

Enjoyed playing the first few levels a lot. The map layouts, especially, the crossroads, really keep things interesting. Anon's death screams are perfect, mowing down the boxers is a lot of fun to watch and listen to. Graphics and sound effects on the soldiers are great. Looking forward to the addition of music, which doesn't seem implemented yet.

Movement of squads (especially the MGs) is pretty slow without upgrades, and if I have to get them all the way across the map a few spaces at a time, it can be annoying to micromanage.

Ran around in the tutorial zone interacting with the pretty menus. Not sure if there were any other areas that I missed. UI graphics are really nice, though the world itself is a little too dark. Music and effects are both good. I like the items scattered around the environment. 

Multiclassing is cool, looking forward to seeing where that goes. The class spells menu was a little confusing. I chose Paladin as my first class, but the spells in that window were still locked.

Largest complaint is just about turning. Moving from the mouse to the arrow keys just to turn was cumbersome, as was using right click to rotate the camera. Not sure how I would fix this, maybe an option to lock/unlock the mouse instead of having to hold right click?

(2 edits)

Played a run as the hiker since I'm used to games like Crawl where I can heal by resting. Food clock seems pretty well balanced around that, I still had to look for food but never ran completely out. Camera rotation is neat, I expected a topdown/isometric toggle from the screenshots. Well done on that. Mutations (at least the ones I saw) were creative and I'll probably try Experiment next.

Two complaints: I wasn't sure exactly where to get new bullets. Didn't see any on the ground but I think I picked up a few from enemies. The other is that, being used to traditional roguelikes, I kept wanting to use the numpad for movement. Sometimes using the mouse was a little swingy for me. Read the page as soon as I posted this and realized I had NumLock off. Controlling with the NumPad is quite good.

Game is fun, good job. I would play it again.

Didn't see an option to change the resolution or play in windowed instead of fullscreen, which I would have liked.

Quit after the second bossfight, but I enjoyed how it tested the skills I was supposed to learn in the suburbia level. Will probably come back to it to see the rest of the platforming tools.

Catchy music. Great work.