Nice polish on the maps.
- Why is this game 2 GB.
- Walking speed feels very slow. Especially on the world map.
- Enemies feel kind of meaty in terms of HP making battles against trashmobs a bit long.
- Enemies get aggrod during cutscenes.
- Bug: HP can be a decimal number. Currently a party member has 75.7 ? (Or maybe 15.1? I find the font a bit hard to make out) HP
- Battle/Cast animations are a bit slow and I don't see a way to speed them up. (Holy Bolt for example)
- Not being able to save anywhere and close the game, and instead needing to reach the next checkpoint wasn't fun for me. Especially not being able to save on the world map.
- Bug: Some enemy sprites seem to be sticking around after death. Same for a companion sprite, who still has the standing sprite after getting KOed.
- The class and skill system feels overwhelming.
- The target marker for enemies can be a bit hard to see when it's hidden behind the HP bar and status effects.
- The character sprites in and outside of battle don't match up. Are they both placeholders? I know the character portrait for the wizard girl is commissioned so I assume for her character that's her "real" design?
- The repeated textbox close/open animation can be bit hard on the eyes when speakers switch a lot.
- Unlike other RPGM games the game starts in fullscreen mode, I think it should then also have an end game option in the main menu.