Hi, I'm here to say that I liked the game it's my favorite not only because it's an adult game but also because of the story and the characters are very funny but it took me a while to finish
All the missions available in the Game due to my Brazilian language I play in a translated version so I didn't understand the last Nexus key [because I'm dumb :)] but I managed to
I only found two bugs in the game, the first one is that at the beginning there are times when the save option doesn't work It was probably a bug of the translated version and this error never happened again
The second bug is when I leave and come back all my saves are gone I was desperate at first but after I deleted and reinstalled all my saves came back so I learned how
Quitting without all my saves being erased but this game is amazing as incredible as it may seem I learned a lot like people don't sleep under cover:] just kidding
I hope the [lapkgames] team translate the new updates because I would get lost
This game has a lot of potential I feel that in the future new characters will appear and I'm reading all the update notices
[I play the mobile version]