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I hope you won't mind if I ask this quick question of you, especially if it doesn't overstep in any kind of spoilers for your VN later on down the road in the future or in other certain cases a specific area of personal boundaries for what you plan to add on to or not add on to your own VN game project, but mainly I was just wondering if you plan to make this project of yours just mildly NSFW or just full-blown lewd in a way that's almost somewhat similar to this VN known as ?

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Yes, there will be full NSFW artwork in future updates. 

When I was creating the first build, I was funding it on my own. There were some budget choices made :P

Edit: The main focus of the game will always be the story, though. The NSFW stuff will act as a bonus.


I don't want to bother you too much with any other kind of question(s) that might delve too deep into revealing spoilers for your game but I was just wondering whether if perhaps as you continue to work on this project of yours you plan to add any other kind of kinks/fetishes into it that delve into a fantasy that a little more outside reality than certain other kinds of kinks/fetishes that you might see some people play out in real life and usually find more online these days like say for instance something along the lines of this only if that doesn't come across as too personal towards your interests in any shape or form at all to start with of course?


Don't worry, I'm always happy to answer questions!

I do plan to add more kinks/fetishes as time goes on, but they will definitely still be within the realm of possibility/realism. Most of the future scenes will be voted on by the Patreon supporters, though, so who knows what they'll ask for. :P


I hope I won't be coming across as too personal by asking any more questions involving your game but I was just wondering if you happen to have any kinds of kinks/fetishes that you would strictly not allow on your game in any shape or form, especially if they cross any kind of certain line involving what is or isn't acceptable in our world especially in the case of being taboo in several parts of the world?


Off the top of my head, I'd say that vore, inflation and scat are three kinks that will not be in the game. I don't judge, but I am simply not interested in them. It's hard to know exactly what you're asking though without a direct question, sorry!


Sorry if I wasn't being specific enough I thought I was being clear about what I was talking about in the case of forbidden desires or interests based on either bestiality/Zoophilia  or whatever else that comes close to being taboo next to those two in the real world which you might hesitate to put on their game in case you don't want to get into any trouble with anybody who might strongly be against that in every way possible but in the case of not wanting scat or inflation being part of your game I can understand that but in certain cases with vore I can be fine with any kind of variety involving that kind of kink/fetish as long as it doesn't involve blood and/or gore in it in the shape or form at all plus if vore can also follow along the categories that don't involve any death involved in it which is typically known as endosoma, safekeeping, non-fatal, and/or full tour I can also get behind that stuff as well if it can be part of an online game, visual novel, comic, graphic novel, animated series, etc.

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Reading from his context, I guess he means you don't necessarily need to add kinks/fetishes that are too unrealistic/are forbidden in reality to avoid troubles that people might overreact?  or you can soft-core it to make it less unacceptable.
This is fully in my opinion so what it actually suggests might be different from the comment originally, no offenses.
But I don't think this is needed. Since ultimately, we can still toggle those on/off through preference. And you did said is up to your patreon supporters to decide and you're not that interested in the kinks listed above. So please no-touch it in case it will drop your motivation.
I know it was none of my business but I still couldn't stand to see the author having troubles reading between the lines, sorry for interupting.

You're completely fine I probably should have done a better job of explaining and organizing everything together in a way that could be understood but I guess I have trouble with that especially if I can't get my thoughts together and put them out there on any comment boards that are online on the web these days in a way that's clean and thorough that isn't misunderstood by anyone who sees it to begin with.

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There will not be beastiality in the game.

The werewolf enemies are probably the closest thing to that that will exist. I can't say for anything else, but I'm fairly certain that any other societal taboos will also not be in the game.