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These puzzles are wicked smart, there are some real creative ones and I had a lotta fun figuring them out.  You go heavy on the red herrings.  Seems all it's really lacking is good BGM.  I do have one QoL improvement I would love to see: I'd like a way to toggle the rotation instead of just clicking & dragging, I probably held down on my mouse a little too long and now my pointer finger's real stiff.  Other than that just the usual gripes everyone is having, sometimes the perspective working out for pathways to works seems arbitrary.

I've attached my playthrough, hopefully it helps!  FOR ANYONE PLANNING TO PLAY DON'T WATCH!


Thanks for playing! The video was very useful.
About the rotation hold : I I'll include it in the options, perhaps something like "camera drag : hold/toggle" for left click.

Should have clamped vertical view to less than 90, because that threw you off on the "Oblique" tutorial, where the point was to show that the dudes can meet when on differently oriented faces (and that the dude that is moving absorbs the one that is still).

As for inconsistent links, the small windowed size might make precision aiming harder (too lazy to options menu in time), but I'll try to increase the grace radius for links.

Also there is a level editor, it only shows the button for it when "custom" levels are selected, should probably make that clearer.


What really threw me off on the oblique tutorial level was that the two dudes on the same plane couldn't meet/the one at the top couldn't meet with the guy on the opposite plane, but that was before I realized I had to merge the dudes in order of how many dots are on their chest.