- I think this needs some easing up before throwing the player into too complex situations. Steadily building up confidence in the player with the mechanics. If you have played something like risk of rain it's a very simple engagements at first but it rapidly increases into super hard. I'm sure this game can go harder i don't doubt it. The big Upside and downside is that you have mechanics that are very unique to their application thats really good but its also kind of confusing at first becasue there is the game you play steering switching bodys and picking what to do next brawling with the map you are in and the enemys, It's fine, you understand it after a while of course But it feels a little frontloaded i felt comfy with characters that mimic the tutorial at the beginning so i could play and get my bearing.It feels like you just learned how to steer a skateboard and you demand them go to the X games, It's funny from a devs perspective but is it fair for the player? It's a roguelike so it's probably the point.
- Your presentation is great for the most part, Audio ques are great, game feedback is spot on you are very clear with what the limits are and when things happen you even pause the game when you are infesting a human. However the parasite is pretty hard to see what direction its facing you have arrows for the humans showing what way they are facing but not the parasite it's a faceless blob maybe help show what direction the Blob is looking with out pressing a button.
- the looping music in the tutorial was kind of aggrevating when you are learning the mechanics (i could tell exactly when it looped it's a little too short).
- I dident like how in the tutorial you mixed the keyboard inputs with the xbox controller inputs in text. I would really like graphical prompts instead of text It's easier to read. Mixing Trigger icons and As and Xs in the tutorial would be super helpful and will get me into learning the game faster.
- Make the player progress in the tutorial so they feel they accomplished something,The tutorial is for learning but it's honestly the first thing most people will play of your game. So make it be a bit of an experience aswell. Don't skimp on tutorial have them play an arena battle properly.
- The Dodge roll feels clunky when you play the actual game. I think it's becasue the animation of rolling plays after the dodge is done. So he kind of spins in place. and that casues dissonance
- The update prompts for bosses and such could be shown at the middle of the screen. I think i missed most of those messages even if you prompt people at the middle of the screen people will miss it but the chance is a lot smaller.
It's hard to give more feedback. most of it is nitpicks and some things i might be missing some context, however i don't see a problem with those things either they dont bother my experience so to speak.
this is a very well made game with an interesting little twist. it reads well it's hectic and it feels like you know what you want out of this game, so i can't really add anything more.
wish i could help more but that's what i get out of it.