Wow, thank you very much for your feedback, it's very detailed and super useful. I'll try to elaborate on your points asking for some more feedback (if you don't mind).
I think this needs some easing up before throwing the player into too complex situations. Steadily building up confidence in the player with the mechanics.
Do you have any suggestions about how we could go to do this? As you pointed out, having such a twist (body snatching) in this kind of game may be confusing at first; we need a proper way to let the player get used to it.
the looping music in the tutorial was kind of aggrevating when you are learning the mechanics (i could tell exactly when it looped it's a little too short).
Agree. The current music is just a placeholder.
I would really like graphical prompts instead of text It's easier to read.
This is already fixed in the new version (we'll upload it as soon as possible).
Make the player progress in the tutorial so they feel they accomplished something.
Can you elaborate on this? What could we do in that direction?
The Dodge roll feels clunky when you play the actual game. I think it's becasue the animation of rolling plays after the dodge is done. So he kind of spins in place. and that casues dissonance
We'll check this out.
The update prompts for bosses and such could be shown at the middle of the screen.
Yeah, but what about local co-op? We put them on the side of the screen because when you're in co-op they would be quite confusing about what player they're referring to...