The new version looks really good. It's clearly an improvement of the previous version. Great!
Of course there is always more stuff to do and so if you still want to continue working with the game, here is some more comments and suggestions:
- I liked the new rectangular world instead of the original horizontally aligned path. It felt nicer playing in an open area. Although, the game felt also a lot easier and I'm wondering whether more room made that happen.
- Game exit needing to buttons to be pressed is really good idea. It makes sure one does not do that by accident.
- It's good that the enemies do not come to the safe area. This is improvement from the last version.
- I also like that you took into account my suggestion about the controls!
- I liked the dash ability end was marked with audio cue.
- In game instructions (tutorial + UI) is very clear
- Having completion percentage counter helped me to feel I'm making progress and also notice if I have missed something
- What does the difficulty level mean? Does that affect something in the game or is it just about progress?
- Does time have an effect to the score? If I collect all the collectables and return to the starting position is that the best result that I can achieve or is there possibility for improving.
- Do the eye direction have effect on if the enemy spots the character? Looking to different directions seemed to indicate this but playing the game it didn't seem to be the case.
Suggestions for gameplay:
- All the eyes gather together to follow the player which seems weird. That also makes the game in the end easier as all the enemies will be in the same place. You might want to consider ways to prevent this. This could be for example 1) a more clever AI for the enemies which prevents them getting too close together or 2) having the enemies return to their starting position after some they have moved some maximum distance from there.
- Continuing with the subject of the eyes, if you want to add more dynamic feel to the game, the eyes could have some movement patterns even when not following the player. That would make them seem more alive and also make them more dangerous as they might accidently move closer to the player and notice them. The enemies could for example randomly move in some area around their starting position (coolest solution) or they could follow some predetermined route like movement from left to right, up/down or in a square (easier solution). Of course, if this does not fit your vision of the game, that is fine too but this could be one direction to move the game towards which could add more interesting elements to the game.
- As I noticed also someone else pointing out the pace of the game is a bit slow. The game could work even better with faster gameplay. That would maybe make it more fun to play and more difficult too. Having the normal speed to be the current dash speed could be a starting point. And remember to also adjust the enemy speed accordingly if you end up trying with different speeds.
Smaller improvements:
- Dash ability does not seem very fast. It's difficult to even notice it moving faster. I know it helps with getting enough speed to get off from difficult situations but it does not feel fast. Dashing is cool ability and it should be fun to use! Consider either making it faster or having some visual effect indicating that the player moves fast.
- Collision with the enemy + losing health has same audio effect than colliding with trees. These are two clearly different events and should therefore have different sound effects.
- I did not notice the possibility to change name in start screen the first time playing. Make the option more apparent or even just have the player name field immediately visible and not behind button presses. I definitely do not want to miss the option to display my name on the leaderboard if I do well.
- Dash sound effect plays even though dashing is not possible. This lead player to think they dashed even though they did not. There should be no sound effect, or even better a separate sound effect which would indicate that the action was not possible
- I know I said earlier that the different eyes (the big ones) were confusing. But I noticed I'm missing them... They actually added a bit variety to the game enemies. Also, if you would add them back you could also additionally try having them work differently than the other enemies. For example large enemies are slower but follow the player longer time than the small ones.