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Okay, I got it. Regarding the VR log, this is just a warning present due to a packaging mistake.

Unfortunately, I do not have a solution for this concrete case. I can say that all the reported issues with Linux were related to the video driver in one way or another. I will do more research about this case. 

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience

Доброго дня.

Зараз я пишу статтю для Polygon про українські ігри, що з'явилися під час війни, й ходів би отримати коротенький коментар з приводу Ukrainian fArmy. Можна якось поспілкуватися? Поштою наприклад. Телеграм, щось ще.

(1 edit) (+1)

I understand you very well =)
Thank you!

Thanks for the effort, I really appreciate it. Don't worry. If you cant get it fixed, it's not a problem.