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>Opening it in the Ingame Systems menu should do nothing, but I have been using it before to test save deletion, maybe I forgot to clean that up, my bad.

That's definitely what happened. Good thing you know how to fix it.

>I could allow the Player to sleep in every bed, but then it could lead to awkward Situations where the NPCs use the same bed at the same Time.

An island full of men, and only one girl sharing bed with one man each every night... yeah, I don't think that's the type of game you are going for, but of course I would not mind.

>the Player isn't really supposed to kill NPCs

I think in these type of games people eventually just end up murder hoboing everyone. I guess one way you could make players less likely to want to start killing them is if they all had ranged weapons, and the moment you attack one, everyone else in the area would start shooting. Of course some players will enjoy the challenge even more.

>Items like Potions aren't intended to be used during combat, so no quickbar for those.

ok in that case, that makes sense.

Good luck with the development, and see you in the next Demo Day.