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Stranded SkiesView game page

Crash on a floating Island.
Submitted by Tomodev — 19 hours, 50 minutes before the deadline
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I normally avoid games like that, because I like them a lot, and spend way too much time in them. This was my first time playing Pink Turtle. I tested on both windows, and linux. I am sorry if my feedback is not going to be well structured, I am not a good writer.

I played until level 20 so I could equip Dragonslayer, the sword from Berserk. I really enjoyed all the easter eggs. I found 4 “Golden Statues” - I love them.

Getting to level 20 was hard in a way that there was not much left to kill, so I ended up getting rid of the pirates.

In future, I would like to see some sort of level/threat indicator above enemies so I have a better idea what I can take on, and what can kill me in one hit.

I am not a big fan of the combat, I know there is blocking, but I didn’t use it. Most fights I would either kill the enemy in one, or two hits, or they would kill me in one hit. I did enjoy gradually getting stronger.

At some point I was able to kill skeletons with one, or two hits, so leveling up became easier.

The Lizardman skeleton was sort of a boss battle for me, or more of a goal. I kept coming back to him to see if I was finally ready to take him down. After I found some combat spell rune, I was able to cast it once, and then kill him in two hits with my melee weapon before he one shot me for the nth time. The reward for killing him was the sword from Berserk, which required 200 STR, so that became my next goal.

By the way, with the little bit of spells I cast, they seem to be broken. As in sometimes after attacking with my melee weapon, the spell would cast itself with no mana. I do not know what makes it happen, just like I do not know what makes me sometimes not able to attack (I would attack once, and then clicking my lmb would do nothing).

Speaking of bugs, clicking on Options menu doesn’t open Options, but instead IT DELETES ALL SAVES! Save deleting by clicking the options button deletes saves in both windows, and linux versions of the game.

Another thing I found was being able to fall off the world in the tutorial part (it’s after you walk down some huge spine bones to get some spells, there is a grass plane under, but you just drop through it).

I completed a bunch of quests, but to my surprise there was no reward. Some completed quests also left entries in the journal, and others disappeared.

I understand you might not want to give gold, or loot for basic fetch quests, but some exp would be good.

Getting gold was never a problem after I started killing skeletons and selling their two handed swords, but finding someone to sell them to became harder, and harder.

There really was not much I wanted to buy off people. I like exploring, so I was able to find all my gear, and buying anything from NPCs was kinda pointless.

So the NPCs don’t give exp for quests, and don’t have anything useful. They bring life to the island, but that’s it. Speaking of NPCs, I noticed the player character is the only female… sausagefest. Oh yeah, the pirate blacksmith had missing textures.

Thank you for letting me kill kobolds, and not goblins, even though they looked like goblins. I was surprised there was no loot for Dryads, but at that point I was killing everything for exp anyway. By the time I was able to kill the big beast near the castle, I already had a better weapon, than the one by the corpse next to him. Killing NPCs gives a lot of loot. if there is a button to quickly take all loot, then I was not aware of it.

I think killing NPCs should allow me to sleep in their beds.

Some way to de-escalate situations would be good. That Druidev guy wanted to fight me just for entering his building. I could easily kill him, but I did not want to, so I ran away, and he chased… a lot.

I did not try out any bows, or crossbows, because all my skill points were going towards str to use dragonslayer. Some way to respec your points would be good, especially for demo days.

I see fire particles on torches around town, but no fire on torches the player carries.

I think the player character looks cute, though her face looks a bit on the long side.

Quicksave would be nice, because I found myself saving a lot. The “New Game” button should probably have some confirmation window. Overwriting saves should have confirmation too, but I bet you know those things.

I don’t know if you don’t have a quickbar on purpose, but I think just something that lets me access my potions without opening the inventory would be nice.

I am happy you have no inventory limit, carrying a lot of items that slow you down, or breakable equipment, because I hate those. Some inventory management would be nice. I would like to be able to pick up loot while having my weapon out, but it’s something I needed to get used to.

Overall it’s a big game, and I spend a lot of time in it. I downloaded it on Sunday, played Windows version on Tuesday, and Linux version on Wednesday. I played it the way I would normally play a game like that, which consisted of a lot of exploration, setting up my own little goals, and eventually killing off pirate NPCs. Overall I enjoyed playing your game. In future Demo Days, I am going to need to check what sort of feedback you are looking for, and concentrate just on those areas.


Thank you very much for playing and spending so much Time in it! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Spells being broken is a major one on the List, apparently they don't unequip themselves properly when swapping weapons, I hope to have it fixed for next DD. (Same with being unable to deal damage sometimes, or being unable to attack at all)

Opening Options Menu in the Title screen should display a box full of debug Text, nothing more for now. Opening it in the Ingame Systems menu should do nothing, but I have been using it before to test save deletion, maybe I forgot to clean that up, my bad.

If you explore enough, you should be able to find nearly any equippable Item and an abundance of healing Items ( aswell as a bunch of statboosting plants), the Traders are more there to clean up your Inventory and/or if you're too lazy to look around for stuff, you can buy it. I heard/have seen quite a few people bleeding the traders dry of money, so I'll adjust it to them giving you less money for your stuff in next DD. I'll also make sure to look over weapon/levelup balancing again, so there may be more situations where it might make Sense to get something from the traders.

NPC Quests are more or less all part of the main Story, but since that is barely started at the moment, they aren't really all that useful right now. As for Questrewards, they'll give XP when I get around to balancing the XP rewards ( at that point, enemies and NPCs will also give reduced XP, to force you more into quests if you want to level up), but at the moment its just 0 XP for all of them.  Ideally I want the Player to barely hit level 20 by doing all Quests and killing all hostile creatures once they get to the end of the final Dungeon, but for testing purposes everything gives way too much XP atm.

I don't have a real Ownership System in place, so you can't really sleep in NPC beds. I could allow the Player to sleep in every bed, but then it could lead to awkward Situations where the NPCs use the same bed at the same Time. And while it is a great Idea, the Player isn't really supposed to kill NPCs ( I understand that a lot of people right now just murder through the Pirates, as they just stand there doing nothing, without them having proper Dialogue and all), so I'm not planning to add that in right now. I might do it however, if I find people still killing a lot of NPCs once they all have their Story setup done.

Druidev should theoretically warn you to leave his shed before attacking, but  hes just a bit to agressive at the moment. Also theoretically people only chase until you get far enough away, but most creatures have the same speed as you do, and chase almost endlessly.  Maybe I'll also add a Timer so they stop aggroing if they haven't attacked you for a certain time, but I'll have to see how that is affected by you jumping on stuff to get out of reach first.

You can access equipped weapons and spells through 1-0, next DD, it'll show a small text what spell you've just drawn out, so you don't have to memorize it. Other Items like Potions aren't intended to be used during combat, so no quickbar for those. 

I'm thinking about Quicksave/Quickload, quite some People seem to want that, so I might add it in, overriding the last save you've used or something.


>Opening it in the Ingame Systems menu should do nothing, but I have been using it before to test save deletion, maybe I forgot to clean that up, my bad.

That's definitely what happened. Good thing you know how to fix it.

>I could allow the Player to sleep in every bed, but then it could lead to awkward Situations where the NPCs use the same bed at the same Time.

An island full of men, and only one girl sharing bed with one man each every night... yeah, I don't think that's the type of game you are going for, but of course I would not mind.

>the Player isn't really supposed to kill NPCs

I think in these type of games people eventually just end up murder hoboing everyone. I guess one way you could make players less likely to want to start killing them is if they all had ranged weapons, and the moment you attack one, everyone else in the area would start shooting. Of course some players will enjoy the challenge even more.

>Items like Potions aren't intended to be used during combat, so no quickbar for those.

ok in that case, that makes sense.

Good luck with the development, and see you in the next Demo Day.


Man, this game is seriously cool! great job with it so far. I love the vibe, the atmosphere and visuals. its a very retro style but competently done. I really felt like I was playing something from when I was a kid. Theres a lot of features already in place for a solid rpg.

I think you could improve the "juice" of the combat with attacks that have shorter startup times but maybe longer cooldowns.

I felt kinda weird that I went down into the hole in the temple and fell through the ground and the music kicked on. maybe that was just a coincidence. either way, take a look at the collisions down there.

I think that opening cutscene could benefit a lot from some more atmospheric sounds playing, the silence is detracting. the music that comes on when you make into the temple is good (all the music i heard was fantastic) so i think just some wind during that first part would go a long way, and maybe some dialogue sounds too.

and this super does not matter, but the first character being named "Adol", my brain immediately adds an "f" to the end, so maybe something to consider changing hahaha.

overall i love this so far and can't wait to see how this project turns out.


Note: Playing on linux like last time (DD42 I think) 

Combat feels better this time. The enemies having a stunned state when blocked works well. Though the little bug creatures in the cave seem to have a weird hit box and collision box where you cant hit them face on when in the stun state.

Not sure why you keep saying you have no content, their seems to be quite a bit here already. I'll need to either revisit this demo later or set aside more time for it next DD as I couldnt explore everything. The Forest past the guards to the town has a really nice atmosphere to it by the way, big fan. 

Also you made all the graphics yourself right? I genuinely forgot I was looking at hobbydev art and not a older gen higher budget videogames art. 

Adol cutting you off as the MC would introduce herself is pretty amusing tbh.

Im not a big fan of the save menu. Being able to write your own save names is nice, but it feels like there should be a button to save (like with loading) rather than having to hit Enter. It be nice to also show the date on the saves in both the save and load menus. 

Alright, glitches time:

- Not sure if this is for DD, but I keep seeing these messages in the top left corner.

- When first talking to Adol its shown as him saying "Thank you" a few times where I think its supposed to be the MC saying it, not him.

- The glitch of items to the right of the one being used in the inventory seems to be gone.. sort of. The items to the right still disapear, but will reappear once I close and reopen the inventory.

-  Torches in hand disappear on save and then load. Ran out of touches by saving and loading too much while testing things due to this.

- Dropped a torch at the keyhole accidentally, but I had a hard time picking it up since I interacting with the keyhole instead. Not sure if there is a nice way to solve this tbh, I guess the player needs to be smart enough to not drop stuff near interact able objects. (I was also able to pick it up by positioning myself correctly so it was fine eventually).

- Right outside the exit of the first cave if you hug the opposite side cliff it gets very dark. (screenshot is at daytime)

- Green lizards near the starting pyramid seemed to damage me after I killed them. Posted webm >>383727087

- Going to the load menu and leaving without loading anything seems to break the UI, I couldnt open the menus again afterwards. Had to close and relaunch game.

Hey cool, its me!

Thanks for the fun demo, cant wait to see more progress on this game. Think its going to be real [spoiler]fun[/spoiler] once its finished!


Thanks for playing, I'll be sure to try and fix the glitches and bugs until next DD!

The Graphics are mostly made by myself, most of the models are, some weapons are from a free for the month UE Asset pack and then edited, and most of the Textures, apart from terrain and plant textures, which are cc0 from openGameArt, and the particle effect textures, which are from various cc0 sources aswell. Both are then mostly just downscaled after to fit the resolution fo the other textures better. There might be other cc0 Textures that I took and forgot, sorry for that. 

I initially had a save button in the menu, but it didn't work well, so I cut it out for now. I'll be sure to re-add it and have it working properly for the next time.

The Right side of the save and load menues ( where the single number is) is reserved for save specific data, like player level, playtime, date of save, etc. but I haven't gotten around to properly adding it yet. The Systems are there, I just didn't fetch and display the data correctly yet.


I'm impressed, I've never played PinkTurtle before and it's got a wealth of content!  The graphics and music are solid aesthetic choices, and judging from the models & textures I saw you're even adhering to the technical restraints of the old hardware too!  From your comments both here and on aggydaggy it seems that you're well aware of what needs work so I won't beat a dead horse.  Gameplaywise it'd be nice if some of the enemies (especially what I think are the weaker ones) telegraph their attacks a little more.  If you watch my playthrough towards the end I was trying to parry a lot of attacks but things like the reedbird's (the turqouise turkey) & lizard's attack just seem to come out real fast.  Also I'd appreciate if I could see what all I have equipped wihtout bringing up the inventory, I'm smoothbrained so I would equip my spells and then when I needed them I'd just end up casting them all to figure out which one was which.  And finally, quicksave & quickload button would be appreciated.

I also encountered the bug osur mentioned, where equipping something (for me it was my melee weapon) locked out the character, inventory, and pause inputs (I didn't try journal).  Also I could duplicate torches, but only one would be the "real" torch that I could pick up and such.

I had a lot of fun stealing the Berserker blade!  I would've stolen it my first try completely cheese-free if I remebered to put away my weapon too, but that was just me being new to the game.  I didn't balance recording volume well so my commentary gets drowned out during the combat music, but I hope the playthrough footage helps nonetheless!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very very much for playing and spending so much Time in it!

It really helped me find a lot of new Bugs to fix (aswell as some old ones reoccuring).

Sadly Adol didn't have the dialog options he should've had, which left you more lost then you should've been. Also I'll be sure to include some option to ask the Guards for directions to the Farms. 


Forgot to talk about the Terrain. I did the Terrain models themselves in blender, split the Island into multiple overlapping chunks, you can notice the seems between those quite easily.

For the Material, its vertex painted, to blend between different world aligned textures based on what vertex color is used. I use a bunch of different materials for different chunks/Parts, i.e. cliffs use a different one with a different set of textures then grassy grounds or caves. I'll just make sure one of the vertex color combinations ( like 0 green, 0 red, 1 blue i.e.) corresponds to the same texture if the materials share edges, so it has a smoother blend between them.


Well, glad it helped!
Oh and I don't think I was ever lost.  I could tell that the intended path was for me to go to the camp after Adol's (it's quite eyecatching from his hut), and after the camp it's quite natural to go to the pirate cove.  I guess I could've snuck in there instead of paying 300 gold if I got past that first turkey .  I just like exploring a lot, I like the enemies who can just floor you when you go to the wrong area (I might be a masochist as well as an explorer).  It's a nice way to encourage players to go certain directions without forcing them to, and I almost took out a skeleton.

>notice the seems between those quite easily
I didn't notice a thing.  This is just one of the things that are glaringly obvious to you since you made it.  Did you do the vertex painting in UE4?  I can only get it to paint entire faces for me instead of individual vertices, so I can't really use vertex colors for texture blending.


I paint them in Unreal yes. Basically my Material/workflow looks similar to 

My models have a higher vertex count whever different textures meet, i.e. pathways or cliff/grass connections, to allow blending on a smaller scale there. Since my models are pretty huge for terrain, and the brush size seems to be a value based on model size, I frequently have to turn it way down to 0.1 or 0.05 or something to only catch a few vertices or even only one at a time.

Glad you could make it to Demo Day.

Played until I got one shot by some scary skeletons down the road from Adol's house. The graphics and music are really excellent, the low-poly old school look done right.

I didn't get far enough to see much, but the view from the tutorial temple made it look like there's a lot to explore in this version. Only complaints in the bit I got to was Adol's line "knife is better than nothing, thank you" seems like it should be spoken by the player and not Adol. Also, is "Informations" in the Journal deliberate? Seems like it should be "Information."

Looking forward to trying this one again and getting enough stats to use the hand axe.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

First time playing so I can't compare it to any previous DD submissions, but here are my overall thoughts. I haven't played Gothic 1 but being a europoor, almost everyone I know has played it and I watched enough content to have a general idea. 

This game is clearly inspired by Gothic and maybe some Tomb Raider but it makes it it's own thing. The world and story are immersive and interesting. The tutorial temple section is cool, but it also feels like it was designed to be a temple and not a tutorial level - there's plenty of sections that aren't required to progress but are used for worldbuilding and serve as a gameplay tutorial. Specifically, the small dead end part of the tunnels with 2 maggots in it, where I just walked past without the maggots aggroing, which gives me hints of what to expect enemies to behave like. Things like that are cool and don't appear often in DD games since people have enough work on their plates making a linear game. 

I ended up dying 4 or so times during my playthrough

-I jumped into the hole in the room before the key in the temple and clipped out of the map as I fell

-I walked up to a temple outside and a skeleton lizard beat me to death with a stick

-By some crashed boats, a couple of kobolds surrounded me next to some boxes and quickly clubbed me

I also encountered some bugs, but one (if this is a bug and not me being a brainlet) stuck out to me since it was annoying and difficult to replicate reliably:

Messing around with weapons, I can somehow get into a state where keyboard input does nothing - none of the key bindings will work, but I can move around normally. The console window is closed, so it's not like I'm typing in it. This bug first occurred to me as soon as I switched to the torch about 2minutes into playing, which left me really confused since I was trying to open my inventory to figure out how torches worked. It sort of fixed itself and occurred a few more times afterwards, but I was stuck for like 30 seconds mashing keys. Escape didn't work either- nothing would happen.

Another thing that was kinda buggy was how everything would stutter for 5 seconds or so when reloading the game from the start, but it would fade and things would work normally.

Either way, it was a lot of fun.

Final score: "You are dead :(" / 10


Thanks for playing!

I'll look into the weapon swap thing locking key inputs, that definetly shouldn't happen.

As for the early stutter after starting a new game, that should theoretically be masked by the loading screen, but it probably disappeared to early. I'll fix that.