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Can anyone just make this already enabled as a download? I'm sorry, I suck at comprehending how and where to move files, and don't want to screw up to where i cant play the game like I did downloading mods for the first strive game.

When you download conquestNotQuiteRandomPortraits and Conquest Tweaks there are readme.txt files inside the archives (you need winrar /  7zip to open them), said readme.txt files contain simple instructions on how to install the mods.

There is no need to enable anything, just move files according to readme.txt instructions.

Also i am not sure what you mean by "already enabled as a download" do you mean entire game download with mod already installed? If so then i doubt its gonna happen.

That was exactly what I meant yes, I know a few people did that where they made a download of the game with the mods already in whatever folders that would need to be in for SfP, but I think I would misunderstand what would and should go where and mess up the entire game trying to undo wherever I would put said mods. Sorry I know it's suppose to be simple, but I understand computers at the most basic of levels.

where do i put the files in game dir?

Just drag&drop everything from /conquest into your game dir. (its top level where .exe is)

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where do i put it? because i dont have a game dir.

(1 edit)
  1. Right click strive-conquest-win64 and pick 4th winrar option ( extract to strive-conquest-win64 )
  2. Extracted strive-conquest-win64 is now your game directory/folder
  3. Do the same for conquest tweaks
  4. open conquest tweaks dir, in it you wiill fnid /conquest dir
  5. move contents of /conques to your /strive-conquest-win64 dir

Also, you need to innstall random portraits from the same post first, try to follow instructions in readme.txt file included in download.
