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(2 edits) (+2)

<<<<< DAY 6 >>>>>

Today's progress:

  • Sent off new map directions to Miss Nile.
  • Sent off ABS directions to CuckooOrange
  • Get Linhtendo onboard with the current progress.

Then spent the rest of the time looking at horror games and movies. Specifically, this one:

Yah very scary movie. Well the game's goal is to scare the bejeezus outta ya folks right? So first gotta find ways to scare the bejeezus outta myself. :D

A big challenge of this game is to figure out how to get the maximum fear factor using only 2D pixel graphics as opposed to 3D first person POV. Some things noticed during plays/watching vidoes of horror games:

  1. They make you open doors from room to room, so you never know what might pop up in the next room.
  2. Hero travels in darkness with flashlight, so you are always afraid what might pop up behind you or around you.
  3. They make you walk in corridors with corners, so you are always scared what's around the next corner.
  4. "Harmless" jump scares. They have stuff that falls down, makes noises, etc. It's really harmless but creates sense of apprehension. 
  5.  Harmful jump scares. Usually in the form of some monster that chases you. These are used successfully in RM horror games such as Witch's House.

Still trying to figure out would be scary in a 2D environment. Any suggestions welcome! What would you like to see in a horror game?


I feel music has a big impact in horror.