Woah what's up with that font? ('OwO)
Anyways, greetings, Mr Ignacio! (>wO)/
So as a starter, may I ask you, what do you mean you can't access it? Was it a coding error? Which version did you just download? Window? Linux? Mac? Or Android? (>O3O)>
Ouh, I think I kinda understand what's the problem here. (UwU)
I suppose there's no problem, after all, Mr Ignacio. The options I've created in the new update were mainly to differ the route whether you want to see Jonathan and Bal having seggs or nah. Cuz some of the readers want to see them both having an intimate relationship together right away even though they've just met for a day, while others also wanna see them having an intimate relationship but slowly and naturally (To start loving without seggs).
I thought that was obvious, but I guess not. ('ÚwÙ) Sorry for the confusion, Mr Ignacio. ('ÓwÓ)