Damn it, I'm sorry, forgot to update the resources folder
Alright, I'm not getting the #extension directive error anymore, so it's down to those GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors now.
Is it just one GL_INVALID_OPERATION, or is the shader.c error still there?
It's still the two of them, though only one of them shows up every time; GL_INVALID_OPERATION in either utils/shader.c:447 or utils/texture.c:814
The texture one I fixed, but the shader one is hard because I don't know the context, are you familiar with gdb? If it's asking too much, I understand.
Not very well versed in that, I've used it within code::blocks for my own game to see where it crashes and to set breakpoints, but that's it.
If you have git installed and you're not bored of dealing with this yet, run the following lines
git clone --recursive github.com:EvilPudding/Shift3d.git
then in the cloned directory,
make gdb
break exit
Does the code run if you comment out line 217 of candle/components/light.c
Like so:
/* renderer_draw(self->renderer); */
Unfortunately no. The backtrace looks like this now: