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A member registered Jul 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Do as you wish, but you should either fix the joystick option to be at least playable, or remove it (for now) as it's currently unusable but shown in the controls menu.

Understandable, but I would recommend fixing it sooner rather than later. Games like this are much more enjoyable with proper controllers rather than kb+m, to the point where I don't feel like playing it without proper support.

Played on Linux, finished all levels and found all the eggs, no issues except for touching the blue thing that says lv_snow.CS_.1 on top of the mountain level will take away controls until you quit the level.

Nice concept, this sort of cooperative platforming is always fun to see though I haven't played many of them. Lost Vikings comes to mind. Now the game really needs more complex levels with more cooperation between the characters instead of just separate paths they have to take. It was already getting there with the last levels of the main storyline, I especially liked the spider throwing mechanic near the end.

Very impressive game, but I couldn't get into playing it much because I had lots of issues with the joystick controls and I don't like playing games like this on kb+m.

The joystick worked out of the box but the axes were wrong, and I couldn't remap them in the game. The Unity launcher seemed to be the only place to edit the joystick bindings, but it didn't detect my joystick and I had to use another controller to map the axes and then edit the Unity prefs file manually to change the controller they refer to.

While using joystick mode I noticed the mouse cursor is invisible but still present, making targeting practically impossible with the mouse, and there's no button on the joystick for targeting.

Another quirk I found odd was that rolling with the joystick twist axis will roll the ship but not the camera, while pressing Q/E will roll the camera but not the ship. I suppose this is because in mouse mode the ship will rotate to match the camera automatically or something, but it felt very weird while playing with the stick.

Played through the whole game on Linux, no issues. Nothing to say that others haven't said yet, but here goes:

There are too many keys that don't really serve a gameplay purpose. Attacks could be removed entirely, and although I get that you wanted to leave it up to the player whether or not to interact with objects, right now there's no reason to not use them. Perhaps if the levels were more puzzle-like or there was another reason to take a slower path, then it would make sense, but right now it's just a timing check whether the player presses the button at the right moment.

The maximum speed doesn't feel satisfying right now, you reach it pretty much instantly but it's still slow. You could increase the limit but slow down the acceleration to let the players actually build up speed.

You should probably add a small delay between object activations, I could mash the interact key to hit a spring twice which resulted in a higher jump than usual.

I really don't like having to let go of a direction and pressing it again to start turning in the air after a jump. You could add a small delay when becoming airborne, after which the bike starts rotating like usual even if you keep holding down the key instead.

Besides all this nitpicking it was a really nice game though. Now you just need a lot more levels.

Running into the same crash as the person below, no extra information to share. Windows version works fine in Wine.

I noticed the different version numbers, so if this is something you've already fixed but haven't built for Linux yet then feel free to ignore.

The game looks excellent and the player character controls fine, but there was no challenge at all, I could just walk around and mash buttons to win the game without thinking much, so it's hard to say much about the actual combat yet, except that it looks really flashy.

Also, please add key rebinding. I'm not a fan of controllers, but I also don't like to use WASD in games that don't use the mouse.

Played through the whole demo on Linux, didn't encounter any issues, though the mouse felt a bit too sensitive.

The atmosphere of the game is pretty good, but I feel the torch is too bright, and it could also use a flickering effect. On the other hand, I don't like the complete darkness in non-lit areas. You could add just a slight amount of global illumination to make basic navigation in the darkness possible, especially since the game has stealth elements where darkness is your best friend.

I liked the puzzles, though having to throw books on the shelves and hope they stick was a  bit annoying. You could have a Thief-like system where you hold the  object directly in front of you and can either throw or drop it exactly at the spot it currently is in. Otherwise everything was fun to figure out, throwing the green key through the small slit in the wall to avoid the glow from revealing me in the last level was a nice touch.

You definitely have to change the speed of the enemies. Right now getting spotted is pretty much an instant game over, though you can keep running as long as you don't get cornered since they're just as fast as you. Either slow them down to make escaping possible, or if you actually want getting caught to be an instant failure, make them fast enough to indicate that. I still managed to grab a colored key guarded by an enemy a couple of times and then run to the door to use it before dying to activate the checkpoint, and after reloading the enemy was reset back to its starting point.

From a gameplay point of view, I don't see a reason to have different keys for picking up inventory items vs. carriable items. If you add a key to gently place something down as mentioned before, it won't even be an issue near enemies if it makes no sound.

I noticed a bug with standing up from crouch, there's no checking for whether or not you have enough space to do that.  In the last level, near the green key where there's a small tunnel made of crates you can use to douse the embers, you can stand up in the tunnel and clip into the crates.

Overall it's a really nice puzzle/stealth game though. Very interested in seeing where you're gonna bring it in the future.

First of all, thanks for the Linux port, I was one of the people asking for it in stream chat.

This looks like a very ambitious project. On one hand, what you have is really impressive already, and on the other, there's a lot of janky stuff that needs to be ironed out.  The AI definitely needs more work, right now it's hard to figure out what it's even doing and how it's gonna react. Also, the 3rd person camera is unwieldy and can go through walls at times.

On the good side, I really like the mobility you have with ledge grabbing here, and the stealth has potential with shooting out lights and using the nightvision to gain an advantage. The light bar in the HUD is a nice idea as well.

Not sure if there's any sort of ending in this demo, I got to the cathedral and tried exploring around but didn't find much.

Finally, some issues I had with the game, and short clips showing them off:

The mouse cursor isn't locked in place even when it's hidden during normal gameplay, making interaction really difficult, you pretty much have to open the inventory to be able to pick up items. I think this is a Linux version bug only since I haven't seen anyone else mention it.

After dropping a gun with ammo still in it, you can still fire it until you equip something else. (Might be a fun way to ambush enemies though, you could polish it up to be a proper feature.)

The  performance varies a lot depending on the direction you're looking. Guessing by the huge changes in the draw call count, you're probably rendering a lot more than needed at all times. Although this wasn't really a problem on my system, it might become one with larger and more complex levels.

I had a weird bug where  Anna reacted to me punching bandits like I had hit her, though the camera zoomed in on the bandit and not her during the conversation. After a few times she finally started attacking me during the boss fight, but I still managed to beat the boss. Didn't happen on subsequent playthroughs.

I was about to report quite a few issues, but the video posted below already seems to cover most of them.

However, there seems to be a big issue with saves being completely broken on the Linux version now. The game produces a but it seems to be corrupt in some way, as the game is unable to load it and always starts from the beginning (main menu and all on startup). Copying over a savefile from the Windows version works for one startup, while the Windows version also seems unable to load a Linux save, so it looks like an issue in the saving process rather than parsing the file. I tried looking at the log but there weren't any errors or anything there. Here's a broken save file right from the beginning of the game, if that helps:

Nice to see you're still working on this. The new levels, bosses and the skills you get from them all feel pretty good. Noticed some new enemies in the old stages too. Some thoughts I had while playing:

  • I think the archer enemy could use a bit of fine-tuning, like the wave the projectiles do could be slightly longer or something, it's really hard to judge where the safe spots are right now.
  • The special weapon energy mechanic seems pretty irrelevant. I couldn't
    come up with a reason to use them without charging at any point in the game.
  • Walljumps feel kind of bad, especially when jumping from one wall to another. The input buffer idea that someone else already described could be good.
  • I managed to get some holy water vials stuck inside walls and not exploding when throwing them right next to a wall a couple of times.

Also, after reading some of the comments below I tried disabling vsync to uncap the framerate, and sure enough at around 1000FPS the bosses become almost completely incapable of jumping, so you definitely have some issues with deltas somewhere.

Nope, still the same freeze with the text. At least the black bars are back now.

(2 edits)

Well, it looks like the black bars are gone now and I'm playing at full 1920x1200. Not sure if that's intentional, but it's causing a lot of other visual issues now, such as the game being visible behind the title screen / main menu at the top and bottom, the semi-transparent bars for cutscenes just hanging out there at the edges while playing, and during cutscenes they don't cover the top and bottom parts of the screen now.

As for the dialogue issues, the slime dialogue works now but I still get a freeze at the shrine, at least there's a handy popup window for errors now though.

Here's a handful of screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5

(1 edit)

Actually yeah, there's errors in the log when that happens. Here's the one from the slime encounter:

Since it seems like a text encoding issue, I managed to get around it - by running the game under US English locale (my system is in Finnish, and I've now confirmed that the issue happens on both windows and linux). Probably worth noting that the freezes happen at points where the next  line of text would have a special effect applied to it, although those used to work in past demos without issues. There's also some other stuff in the game that's affected by locale, like the phone chatlog switching "PM" into "ip." which would be the Finnish equivalent if we used 12 hour clock.

As for the menu, I mean the one you can only access on first start, the one that the game starts into before you have save data. I played around with it some more, and pressing esc seems to work at first, but if you hit it a few times while the resolution dropdown menu is open, then it stops working and you'll be unable to exit the settings menu.

Anyway, I'll probably try out the rest of the new stuff later, now that I found a workaround for the cutscenes.

Really great stuff, the gameplay and presentation are spot on. I would've liked it if the stages themselves were more challenging perhaps, my only deaths were at bosses even on the spicy secret difficulty level. Also I found the dash following the cursor rather than the direction of movement a bit inconvenient since its main use seems to be using the invincibility to pass through walls of bullets.

Also, a native Linux build would've been nice, I had a some framedrops on the hardest level playing in Firefox, but nothing major.

Well, I seem to be unable to replicate it now, unless the game is in windowed mode and I force it to fullscreen with my window manager instead. Maybe I did that by accident while testing then.

Also, I can't see any sort of difference in behavior between exclusive and borderless window fullscreen modes, not sure if unity even does that on linux.

I keep wondering how every new demo, content from previous demos keeps breaking (no offense meant). Here's a list of issues I ran into:

  • Freeze at the cutscene where the hungry slime is supposed to jump off the tower and block your path - it simply never jumps down, used the quest skipper to progress from here
  • After using the steak to open the side room in the underground area, the tanuki wouldn't give me another one (it was the correct dialogue, but a new steak never spawned), reloading the game let me progress again
  • Freeze at the cutscene at the shrine, after the line "Slow down a minute. What did I miss?", this is where I got stuck
  • Quest skipper doesn't work at all for shrine progress, the changes don't get saved and are instantly forgotten after leaving the menu
  • Couldn't find a way to exit the settings menu accessed from the main menu

There were some other issues that are still present as well, like the screen border issue I've mentioned in previous demo comments, but it's not as annoying now that the screen settings actually work (only shows up if you alt+tab out of the game and back in now).

I've been looking forward to this for a good while, glad to finally get to play it.

Getting some '90s shareware/freeware vibes here, both visually and gameplay-wise. Although the core gameplay is simple, it's cool how you manage to introduce new mechanics in the levels themselves, rather than by giving the player new abilities. Visual clarity is mostly good, though I'm not sure if I like the bush enemies, sometimes I didn't notice them even though there isn't really much background decoration to mix them up with.

I'd like it if there was at least some horizontal slowdown in the air when you let go of the keys. Especially in places where you have other stuff to worry about, like fighting the wizard that shoots homing projectiles and you have to use the rising platforms to shoot him, it made the fight quite a bit harder, especially since your character also turns around when you try to correct your momentum.

The autoscroller part in the far left area of the waterfall level could use some tweaking. Since the camera doesn't follow you vertically, it's easy to accidentally advance too fast and then get hit by a bee or something while your character is out of view, and it basically feels like the game is punishing you for doing too well. Especially with the springs you could get way too high up, and then have to wait for the screen to catch up.

Anyway, great job overall. Gameplay is really smooth and I like the kind of creepy cute atmosphere you have here. I think I got all of the crystals, though I never found an area that looks like that last screenshot, is it even in the demo? I even tried messing with the start coordinates in the savefile to reach some normally unreachable teleporters in the hub, but they just crash the game.

Well, now it keeps running after start with a window full of what I assume is garbage from the graphics memory. Here's an excerpt of the output before I killed it myself:

Yeah, that's basically why I have the GT710 too, to have something from Nvidia to test things with. Have you tried using the Nouveau driver to see if you can debug the issue with that? It doesn't seem to support the required OpenGL version on my card though, so I'm not sure if it's helpful (using MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE to fake 4.4 support makes the game actually start and run into the same error, but then again that could be because something that's actually needed isn't supported by the driver).

Anyway, sorry for not being able to help any further. I have no idea about anything when it comes to shaders.

Unfortunately no. The backtrace looks like this now:

Not very well versed in that, I've used it within code::blocks for my own game to see where it crashes and to set breakpoints, but that's it.

It's still the two of them, though only one of them shows up every time; GL_INVALID_OPERATION in either utils/shader.c:447 or utils/texture.c:814

Alright, I'm not getting the #extension directive error anymore, so it's down to those GL_INVALID_OPERATION errors now.

(2 edits)

Still crashing. It's randomly giving me one of these 3 now:

GL_INVALID_OPERATION - utils/shader.c:447

GL_INVALID_OPERATION - utils/texture.c:814

Log found for 'masked_gbuffer':
0:8(1): error: #extension directive is not allowed in the middle of a shader
masked_gbuffer -> fragment shader!

It seems to get a bit further now, but still crashing.

Log found for 'quad':
0:4(12): warning: extension `GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod' unsupported in vertex shader
0:5(12): warning: extension `GL_OES_standard_derivatives' unsupported in vertex shader
Log found for 'quad':
0:4(12): warning: extension `GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod' unsupported in fragment shader
0:5(12): warning: extension `GL_OES_standard_derivatives' unsupported in fragment shader
Log found for 'model':
0:4(12): warning: extension `GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod' unsupported in vertex shader
0:5(12): warning: extension `GL_OES_standard_derivatives' unsupported in vertex shader
loading resauces/models/door.obj
Log found for 'depth':
0:4(12): warning: extension `GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod' unsupported in fragment shader
0:5(12): warning: extension `GL_OES_standard_derivatives' unsupported in fragment shader
GL_INVALID_OPERATION - utils/shader.c:447

On some runs I'm still getting "#extension directive is not allowed in the middle of a shader" instead of the GL_INVALID_OPERATION error as well.

Tried Linux build on RX480, Intel HD530(Skylake) and Geforce GT710, Windows build with RX480 only. Crash on startup with everything but the GT710 (which isn't powerful enough to run this game above single-digit framerates, so I didn't play any further).

GL Vendor : X.Org
GL Renderer : AMD Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics (POLARIS10, DRM 3.26.0, 4.18.16-arch1-1-ARCH, LLVM 7.0.0)
GL Version (string) : 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.2.4
GL Version (integer) : 4.5
GLSL Version : 4.50
Log found for 'quad':
0:1(1): error: #extension directive is not allowed in the middle of a shader
quad -> vertex shader!

(1 edit)

The gameplay is starting to shape up, though so far the combat is lacking, mostly due to the enemies not doing anything interesting. You can just hold down the fire card to deal with the whole bunch.

There seem to be some issues with chaining moves too fast  into each other, or holding multiple buttons. For example, using fire -> earth in a quick succession while standing in place results in a fireball followed by a punch animation without the huge stone fist appearing at all, while holding jump + earth results in a repeated pattern of empty punch -> small leap forward -> aerial earth attack. Also I feel like holding down attack buttons shouldn't prevent you from walljumping.

Doing a fully charged lightning move on a slope flings you up ridiculously high, that's probably something you should look into.

On a technical note, you should add some sort of (optional?) framerate limit. I noticed some coil whine from my GPU while playing as the game was running at roughly 1000 - 4000FPS depending on situation.

The black bars are still bugged if you switch from windowed to fullscreen, but the game at least remembers the setting now, and the bars work properly if the game starts in full screen (and don't alt+tab out), so that's progress.

Also, while messing with alt+tabbing, I noticed that after pressing alt in the chat part of the intro sequence, you can press X to quit the chat and hide the phone, and then you'll be unable to do anything and have to close the game. Is this a debug feature or some really weird bug? Also, the FPS Counter option in the settings menu is mislabeled as Full screen as well.

Sorry about the late response by the way, I've been away from my desktop (and will be away for a good while again).

Yeah all the problems seem to be fixed now. Seeing the actual cutscene for the 3rd bug now, in the previous version the bloodthirsty slime was always spawned next to the left side wall of that area instead of the ledge it's supposed to jump down from. Since this is now fixed the cutscene will also proceed as intended.

Also, I think I reported this issue with fullscreen mode on a 1920x1200 monitor back in DD20, but it's worth mentioning again since it's pretty distracting. The black bars only work when the game starts in fullscreen, but it forgets about fullscreen setting on every run after the first one (starts in fullscreen for the unity splash, then always switches to windowed). Switching to fullscreen in-game causes this blinking garbage to appear, and going back to windowed mode doesn't restore the window size either:

I should've probably noted that I'm on Linux, so I'm not sure if the Windows version runs better. Every now and then I run into some games like that, most of them made in Unity. It wouldn't be that big of a problem if it didn't make aiming that much more difficult though.

As for the sprint, I did notice you can't sprint backwards (without a perk) but still ended up simply holding down the button 100% of the time because why not. Good to hear that you already have plans to change it.

I've been playing this game a fair bit now, and although I've yet to beat either of the final bosses it's been pretty fun. That being said, there are quite a few issues worth addressing too.

First of all, the performance issues and their effects on gameplay. While the game does look pretty impressive, I think the system requirements are still out of proportion. I'd expect an RX480 to be able to run the game smoothly at 1920x1200, but the framerate varies wildly (between 80 and 35 FPS or so) depending on where you're looking, and there are even bigger spikes occasionally. Normally I might be able to tolerate that, but the mouse smoothing seems to have issues with lower framerates; the slower the game runs, the more inertia the mouse seems to have, especially during spikes this translates into tiny flicks of the mouse resulting in huge turns. I ended up choosing a much smaller resolution to make sure that I absolutely never fall below 60FPS to keep aiming consistent.

Next, the visual design. I'm not sure what you're going for here, but most of the game looks something like a survival horror or such, but then there are things like the slimes and some weapons that look almost cartoony with their glowing bright colors, and the styles feel like they're clashing.

Finally, the gameplay. Unfortunately the combat falls a bit short in my opinion. The guns don't really have an impact on the enemies, who are generally slightly faster than you, resulting in fights that mostly consider of backpedaling while trying to shoot whichever enemy is closest, and running in circles with them once they inevitably catch up. There's no penalty for indefinitely holding sprint, and jumping is only useful for dodging very specific attacks designed to be countered by it, so I'm left wondering why those buttons are in the game in the first place. As for the boss fights, I'm not really a fan of these ranged attacks that have markers appearing on the ground; it might work well in 3rd person where you can see slightly behind you, but in 1st person perspective it's quite easy to accidentally back into an attack you didn't see and taking massive damage for that.

Anyway, that was a lot of complaining and ended up being more harsh than intended. Despite the issues (some of which are subjective anyway) the game does feel pretty polished already and is good fun for a while.

(2 edits)

I was about to report the same issue as below but you fixed it already, so instead I have a heap of other issues I ran into with the updated 1.1 version (Linux):

  • After you return from the cave with the data chip, the game gets stuck in the following cutscene on the screen with the message from god of binary; time is still passing but there's no way to advance the cutscene, so the only way out is forcibly quitting the game, which leads into the next issue:
  • After quitting the game and restarting, the story continuity is broken as Kat behaves like you haven't gone to the cave yet, but the data chip is already in your inventory so there's no way trigger the bugged cutscene again.
  • Continuing to the east, passing over the spot with breakable ground seems to trigger a cutscene but the game gets stuck again; black bars appear around the screen but that's all that happens, and there's no way to regain control
  • There's an odd, invisible platform right above the starting spot when you load the game, if you fall on it you very briefly enter the standing state and then fall through it.

I've deleted the save and settings folder multiple times, and all these issues seem consistent. Not sure if there's anything new gameplay-wise as these issues won't allow me to progress. Somehow the game feels a lot more buggy than last demoday.

Also, a small quality-of-life complaint about the prompt to look around with the right stick; I use a keyboard for games but because of a software called SC-Controller, I have a persistent fake 360 pad "attached". It'd be nice to have keyboard prompts show up even with a controller available, ideally by detecting which device the player is using at the time, but a right stick / shift key -prompt would be fine too.

  1. I think this is the 4th time, I started following the game after the first native Linux builds, 0.62 in DD19 I think? Pretty sure I was the one to request the port back then.
  2. About 1 hour maybe, I wanted to clear the game but died a few times at first and then got almost killed at a boss and had to use some cheesy strats to beat it, which took some time.
  3. After clearing the game, as in getting to the sandbox level at the end. Will probably play a bit more later to unlock at least one of the other breeds, as they seem to be locked again.
  4. I think there's more freedom in the creature design now. Before the change I was usually placing that one obligatory eater somewhere safe, usually the rear, and ignoring the skills they provided in fights, as losing the eater would often result in a situation where you'd need to break down your creature (usually mid-combat) just to be able to eat again. With the new changes you're free to place them wherever you want, or where you need those special defensive skills they provide, like protecting your melee combat zooids with electricity and such. Overall it's a positive change, though the eating part feels like a secondary function now, so the name "eater" feels now a bit misleading maybe.