Fun little game, but sure lacks of balancing : Since most enemies are melee (excepted the golem that shoots projectiles), I ended the Farm map without losing a single turret.
All I had to do was to fill the rightmost column with cheap turrets, and that was way enough to fill the rest with rocket launchers, and place traps everywhere.
Since rockets are slow, it's very common that the targetted enemies die before the rockets reach them, and so these then land into further enemies, which virtualy increases the range of rocket launcher.
Since the enemy projectiles pierce through everything, placing walls are very punishing : The ranged enemies will stop to shoot them before getting in range of the turrets, and their bullet will penetrate through the wall and all the builds behind.
I also only noticed the wave counter on round 10, I think it'd be good to add a frame for the money/wave indicators.
Hope you had fun making this! :D