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(3 edits) (+7)

Here's mine: I really don't care for visual novels. Unless it's something like Ace Attorney where a bit of menuing problem-solving is unconditionally vital to being immersed in the experience (not like 'oh no, which shirt do you think your crush would like? If you get it right you'll unlock a dialogue path where you'll see her bra' and more like actually feeling as though you're an idiot lawyer connecting the dots in a stroke of genius), a lot of them just seem like budget alternatives to making a cartoon.

I also really don't care for horror games anymore. I'm just done with running in teh dark frum teh spooky manster dat be eatin bahbies or whatever. I don't think there's enough stuff that does its homework with psychological unrest beyond the tropes everyone already knows about. You know what I want to see? A serious RPG that, around 10 hours in, starts screwing with the player. Adds or subtracts 1 from their inventory for some mundane item they have a lot of after every X rooms or X hours or so. Some patterned tile slightly off. Decrease the banked party member's health by 3 out of 647. Gaslighting the player until around 40 hours in, then everything finally snaps, and you realize that everything you knew about the mechanics was actually a clever lie that the game never promised you. Give me unease. Make me feel insecure and truly powerless. Don't throw me in yet another dark room with yet another monster of the week like I'm a god**** Power Ranger who forgot to pay the electric bill.

You are truly a master of words. This is brilliant.