I have a pretty clear picture of the ins and outs (both from a programming perspective and a localisation perspective), and as I say, it's just not something I have the resources for.
Some of the game's strings are within its json files, but there are plenty that are not. Even if I ignore the cost of other people's time localising strings, the work of externalising those strings and implementing a system for tracking and substituting per locale is beyond what I can allocate to Hive Time - it's been a stretch to put together even the superficial patch that shipped today (which definitely wouldn't have been possible if I had the extra overhead of maintaining additional languages).
Edit: I also forgot to mention that since Hive Time's UI doesn't scale and isn't flexible, that represents another non-trivial amount of work that would be needed before I could consider localisation (in other games I've worked on, German and Russian localisations have required changes to layout handling).