Sorry to spam you, but another couple of questions while it's on my mind. One, at the start of the game, I rolled 4 days of sea travel, so was I right to start the Skull Island portion on the morning of the 5th day?
Second, it's not totally clear how stopping at a small island works. It seems that you first choose whether to press onward or search for an island, and then you roll for progress. If you choose to press onward, you roll for an ocean encounter, but if you choose to search for an island and fail the progress roll, do you then roll for an ocean encounter? If so, I think there could be something under Stopping at a Small Island like, "If you failed your progress roll, you must roll for an Ocean Encounter." I know it says, "If you did not stop at an island" under Ocean Encounters, but it wasn't clear to me if that included first failing to find one.
Likewise, when you say that "you may decide not to try to make landfall after rolling", is that after rolling for progress or rolling on the small island table? It seems illogical that I can choose to not try to make landfaull after rolling for "what happens when you make landfall", but if it's saying that I can decide to not roll on the small island table even if I passed my progress roll to find one, that makes more sense. But then I think it should say, "You may decide to not try to make landfall after passing your progress roll, in which case, you must then roll for an Ocean Encounter."
I'm having an absolute blast with the game. These are just a couple little issues that haven't hurt my experience whatsoever, but could be good to address in a v1.1 update.