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Lone Spelunker

A member registered Mar 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Wow, this is amazing. I think I was able to explore everywhere you can go, and got several items.  Sure hope you flesh this out with more places to walk – I'd love to explore more than just main street!

I particularly enjoyed the flowers waving as you walked through them, the compass change that lets you feature the frontage of buildings no matter what direction they face in the real world, and of course, the duck.

About the only suggestion I have would be to let the duck walk diagonally when you have two arrow keys held down. Other than that, it's just charming and engaging. Please continue working on this and releasing updates!

Nice, glad you like it and thanks for taking the time to say so!

Glad you're enjoying the game!

Wow, that's a lot of score laurels!  In all my plays I've never come even close to that.  Did you manage to still slay the dragon with that?  Because your hero can't enjoy all that glory if they are killed by the dragon!

Glad you like the game! And thanks for taking the time to say so - you made my day!

(1 edit)

Sort of! Button Shy has picked up the rights to the game and is publishing new adventures under the banner of AdvanceQuest.

Also if you like this game you might like Fable on Your Table, which is like an advanced version!

Glad you liked the game!  Sorry your adventurer met a premature fate - maybe the next one will fare better.  Thanks for playing and taking the time to share about it!

Great work! Played the game all the way to the end, and enjoyed the entire journey. Well done.

Nice, thanks for playing. Glad you enjoyed it!

Glad you like the game!

Sort of. I'm working on a second edition which will have a new megadungeon-style setting that uses many of the Realm of the Wraith miniatures and terrain.  So it will be new adventures but the same papercraft (although there will be a few new minis, too).

Glad you like it!

I've uploaded a new version that should address both those issues. Thanks for taking the time to bring them to my attention!

Glad you enjoy the game - thanks for playing!

Nice, thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it!

I've posted an updated version of the game that contains a fix for this issue. Thanks for submitting it!

Awesome thanks for the bug report. I’ll try to look into it. Thanks for taking the time to let me know!

It’s a tough genre because by definition they are all about rule breaking. It’s tough to balance and code!

Glad you like it. Thanks for playing!

Nice, glad you like the game! Hope you have a lot of fun adventures with it.

Awesome. Looking forward to it.

FYI I get errors trying to run this in Safari. Appears to be due to CORS issues.

[Error] Blocked a frame with origin "https://slash.itch.io" from accessing a frame with origin "https://html-classic.itch.zone". Protocols, domains, and ports must match. (x2)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () (Vec.js, line 0)

Looks cool, though! Especially like that cover art.

Sorry, but no, I haven't set this up with any printing service. Seems a bit overkill for only three pages, and most print-on-demand places I've seen don't offer printing individual sheets, anyway, which would be what's needed to make the booklets.

If you don't have a printer, you can usually print documents like this at your local business supply store or print center.

Ah, very nice.  That last tip about folding was new to me. I'll have to try that out! Thanks for posting this.

Oh, cool!  This is great to see. Love the little displays you have to make clear what adventure elements are in play - that's a really nice touch.

This looks great. Any chance for a Mac build?

Great read.  Haven't seen someone referencing Moebius in quite a while - that was a great game! I actually met the developer who made it at a gamedev meetup once in Albuquerque when he gave a presentation there. Seemed like a nice guy.

Hmm.  I'm not sure. I've licensed the game to Button Shy for use as their AdvanceQuest line. They're fine with me leaving Dungeon Hero up for the community, but I'm less sure about things like translations. If it were solely up to me, I'd be fine with it, but there are other people involved.  You're free to send me your translation of course either way.  I just can't guarantee I'll do anything with it!

Either way, I hope you enjoy the game! Good luck on your adventures.

Just had a pretty amazing run with:

  • Base attack 20
  • Max Health 123
  • Max Heat 136
  • Surplus Gold 456
  • 9x glasses
  • 5x magic feather
  • 4x water bottle
  • 8x dynamite boy
  • 5x amm bush
  • 7x snowman
  • 4x bonker
  • 3x wild berries
  • 7x big pocket
  • 5x magic hat
  • 2x pirate hook
  • 3x hot flame
  • 2x lance
  • 1x lemon

Nice!  I just watched through all three episodes. You did a great job evoking the spirit of the game, telling a story with the trait prompts, inventing your own unique character to take on the challenges, and you even survived to the end and scored some treasure (and some Pringles!).

Thanks for making a video about it. I hope your viewers enjoyed watching you play it.

I've created a devlog post about TLAP day, because it turns out I have a fair amount of stuff that supports piratical adventures, and I included a link to your video in it, so people who follow me might check it out.


Fun little diversion. Love the presentation of it and the UI. Hope to see this fleshed out even further.  Some recommendations:

  • Keyboard commands for navigating the UI.  I suspect arrow keys, space bar, and maybe tab/alt-tab would be sufficient.
  • When playing on a widescreen monitor, the game gets cut off on the left and right. I suspect you just need to set some constraints on the presentation size to fix this issue.
  • Right-clicking can be kind of a pain on some laptops, like with trackpads. It would be handy to have option/alt-clicking as another alternative to right-clicking to mark locations.

Overall, some nice work. Love the presentation and the easy-to-get-into progression. Thanks for making this available.

Glad you enjoy the game!  And thanks for taking the time to say so – it made my day!

If you like this system, check out Button Shy's AdvanceQuest, which is the same system with a few new adventures, and Welcome Aboard, Captain which is a sci-fi solo RPG that uses a similar system with a procedural mission generator to create a Star Trek like experience of being a starship captain. 

There are also some people who have made fan expansions for Dungeon Hero. Check the devlogs or search itch to find them. People have contributed some fun stuff!

Okay, glad you got it working.

What browser are you using?  Any error messages in the Javascript console window?

Glad you like the game. Thanks for playing!

Great - hope you and your players enjoy it!

I've uploaded an Example of Play document that describes a playthrough of a scene challenge. Hopefully, it will give an idea of how the game plays in practice.

Thanks for checking out the game.

As for how much dice rolling it is, I imagine that's a personal preference whether it's too much or too little, but either way it shouldn't be a lot of die rolling.  It's less than one roll per player per narrative beat, and the GM doesn't roll at all, so it's rather on the light side of die rolls for RPG's (at least from my own experience).

(I do have an example of play that I kept during some playtesting, but it's from the draft version of the rules and a few important things were changed, so I'm not sure it's a good read for people looking to get a feel for the game. I should probably work up a new one.)

Anyway, if you do manage to get the game to the table, I'd love to hear how it goes.

(1 edit)

It would be impossible (outside of lucky guesswork) to solve the mystery without the clue he gives you, because you fill out the grid with everything to figure out who was in which room with which weapon with which motive, but none of them implicate the murderer until you get the lab results saying which weapon actually killed the victim – that's the last clue he gives you.

Note that he doesn't give you the clue until you've found all the other clues.

If you have other clues to find, he should say he's still waiting on the lab results and suggests you go look in the mansion some more.

I worked pretty hard to try to make sure that doesn't happen, but it's a complex generator and bugs do happen. If you believe you've encountered a bad generator, you can send me the clues and I'll review them (make sure you found them all though - see below for how to do that).

Not sure how familiar you are with puzzles like this, but there are a couple of tricky clue types to watch out for that give more information than they seem. For instance, if it says that Eustace was neither the person with the straight razor nor the person in the master bedroom, you know three things, not two things:

  • Eustace didn't have the straight razor.
  • Eustace wasn't in the master bedroom.
  • AND the person with the straight razor was not the person in the master bedroom.

A lot of people miss that third deduction, but it will be key to solving the mystery.

Similarly, the clue that shows a photo with a bunch of people, some named, some with a weapon, some being in a room, or some with a motive, can be a gold mine of deductions, but you have to go through all the individual pairings to make notes that each person is distinct. It can be easy to miss a pairing, so doing it methodically helps.

And I personally still struggle with using the grid itself to do the deductions. When I have checkmarks that line up, it's easy, but I always have to double-check my logic when I use the grid to discover more cross-outs. It's easy to miss opportunities to cross out cells from grid deductions!

Finally, you can visit the inspector on the front porch to find out whether you've found all the clues in the mansion. If you're missing something, he'll give you a suggestion where to look.  And he's always got one last clue to give you which only comes to light once you find all the other clues – the one that determines the murder weapon from the lab.

Anyway, thanks for playing. Hope this helps.

Yeah, that would have been a good addition. It didn't make it into the game in the seven days (this was a game jam entry), but maybe I could add that with a future update. Great suggestion.