Thanks for feedback @LeKopic ! Here my thoughts:
1) it's a prototype so travelling is just a feature that I want to implement on "bare bones" state, so you are absolutely right! I think I can add a "neutral action" to display that an npc is considering to leaving a city and move to another one and maybe in the future the path and maybe future plans, right move to a city and to another. Tavern POI ? cool idea! I considered only "graveyard" and "dungeons" but taverns will be a cool choice too!
2) you are right, there is only an "on over" effect
3) cool idea!
4) I have to find a way to implement it, but defenetely a good feedback!
5) I have mixed feeling about this, maybe an option would be more clear?
6) nope, should be fixed, do you experienced this problem? How?
7) yes I know, I will work on a video for the future, for this tutorial at least
Thanks for feedback! Really appreciated!