Thank you for awesome tools, its save a lot of times for us, pic pirates ~yarr <3
Now about bag: If no "race" choiced PPE allow you to press "Apply" then show error. If you then choice race and again press "apply": portrait will be renamed and then moved , without body =_= How about showing warning if no "race" selected or simply move both files to "gender" directory without "race"
Can you separate from hair colors - fur colors? Or can u add tooltip. Ideally will be making "invalid for that race" colors be inactive/grayout. Of cos better to do this as separate option/check box.
Also simple FAQ about what color is normal for what race will be good for common dude who wanna just add some image by self. I dunno about reading parametrs from game files =/
Mb options for create COPY(not moving from original location) will be useful for peopls who wanna to keep their original files.
Thank again for you work! =3
UPD1. found lost picx in root of my disc C in folder Female =D