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(1 edit)

Thank you for awesome tools, its save a lot of times for us, pic pirates ~yarr <3

Now about bag: If no "race" choiced PPE allow you to press "Apply" then show error. If you then choice race and again press "apply": portrait will be renamed and then moved , without body =_= How about showing warning if no "race" selected or simply move both files to "gender" directory without "race"

Can you separate from hair colors - fur colors? Or can u add tooltip. Ideally will be making "invalid for that race" colors be inactive/grayout. Of cos better to do this as separate option/check box.

Also simple FAQ about what color is normal for what race will be good for common dude who wanna just add some image by self. I dunno about reading parametrs from game files =/

Mb options for create COPY(not moving from original location) will be useful for peopls who wanna to keep their original files.

Thank again for you work! =3

UPD1. found lost picx in root of my disc C in folder Female =D

I should add a check for errors on that and avoid moving, and ideally also have it rollback changes if it moves one, but fails on the other (like if for some reason a file already exists with the target name, or it fails to create a folder, etc.)

Hair and Fur are considered one tag, mainly because a given race can only have one of those, none of them have both a skin and a fur color.

I do like the idea though of marking colors that are never normally picked by the game for selected race(s).  Maybe mark it red if none of the selected races can have that color, yellow if some of them can (in case someone is applying multiple for some reason).

I don't see adding a copy option instead of move.  You can achieve this outside the editor easily by only working on a copy of the files, which honestly I'd recommend anyways.


Lets separate skin and skin coverage: skin template, unless otherwise, is always human, skin coverage has only in nonhuman race, like lamia, arachna, tannuki, etc. and might be as fur, for fox, wolf, cat, tannuki, bunny, scales for dragonkin, arachna, lamia, plant for driad and feathers for harpy. Yes, for more variety of random portrait button selection better to not tag fur color and leave only race+sex+only_hair_color+tits+ass + mb skin color. But for visual matching better to tag fur color, if proper image exist of course(In my opinion at least) "Her skin is a tanned". Or you are meaning random portrait generator? Sorry, i have feeling i didnt understand you =D

Here, look at this displeased kitty who wanna fur back.(now i`m sad, this persian cat remind me about my kitty T_T)

Sounds good =) Game didn`t pick skin color for orc, goblin and dryad bc they always "green", like slime always "jelly"(no matter how many "starch" u put in them =D)

First rule of mod making: Always do backup. Second rule of mod making: Do backup of backup. =D Sometimes save me lot of time. Instead of free space =D

Thx for answering, sorry if i didnt understand u =)