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A member registered Mar 09, 2018

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Sorry for delayed answer, i didn't use Discord outside of checking for update for few games and mods. If we gonna discus something related croping pictures to better do it in place where  everyony interested can see, this will help future enthusiats. Thank you for volunteering, this few days i'm busy with  IRL, 1.0d Aric's mod and lack of sleeping. Also, gonna be busy at least half of coming week. Especialy after taking shot of Vaccine in monday and 3 days after.

Its happened that game revert all changes by backuped ones. =D Also, Mutation spell updated to 1.0, meet/interact updated to 1.0.

Done, thx for pointing.

Fixed, also found that assigned to farm can't be released from it, also fixed. Thanks for pointing. Upload updated.

"TortoiseGit" Never use before, although i have Tortoise tools, i stuck to WinMerge and  notepad++ when i need highlited syntax.

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Mediafire folder

Priority to crop: male, futa, slime, fay, taur, mermaids.

I try to primaily download pictures with simple backgrounds and full body standing characters. But, i can get carried away and download everything i consider suitable. So, if you think that cropping will take lot of time feel free to skip picture.

Upd. If you meet pictures with same character: take the best looking one, two with biggest&lesser boobs, two with clothed&nude version,

Here are some tips:  To find hidden white pixels at the edges, use a black background fill on a new layer. To find missing transparent pixels, use a magic selection on empty pixel, without anti-aliasing and contiguous, you can combine it with a subsequent fill. To avoid working on the same image, leave in the comments the folder you started working on, sort the images by name and work from the beginning of the list, I will do from the end. If you think that the picture is too complicated for processing, put it in a separate folder called "for later", if , do not overwrite the original, save the result in a new folder with the name "job done", transfer the original processed image to the "ready" folder. I'll deal with the rest.

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"broken or excluded" Thats might be bc of few things: when 1.0a is out, i update my mod from 5.25 game version and then idea come to my mind: "Hey, there is this Aric's popular mod, how about to finally play it and see how my mod work with his?" And 3 days of my life vent lost for making Aric's mod work for 1.0a. =) There is a lot of decision i make, to do it, like leave Aric's code in few places instead of 1.0, change some functions, cut unnecessary thing like too long descriptions in mansion panel to fit 1.0 new ui(really, Aric, this descriptions of crystal is too long), etc.

"bugfixes made between v1.0a and v1.0d" I might miss something bc, i apply bugfixes by hand, and if there is big arics code i preffered not to mess with it.

"In" Dunno why, but when i try to run game with "cattle" game tell me that "cattle" is already defined before. Same goes for "parent" which i change for "y". During my playing in this mod i didn't use cattles and i didn't use Dimension crystal, just research it, so i cant find this before. I might miss some part of updated code bc for reference i use my mod updated to 1.0d and merged with Aric's, and update 1.0a with copy of 1.0d and hand applied bugfix v2, v3 come out few days ago and i apply it by hand in freshly made copy of 1.0d.

"In" There is a big and scary Aric's code xD, when i do merging i might miss duplicating thing, "augmented tongue code was excluded" and "duplicate code exists for handling the 'pervert' tag" is my bad, its leftovers of 5.25 game version. "rope" my bad, miss this string when merging.

"In" Again, my bad, i leave merging this string for later and totally forgot. "updatedescription" I may leave this section for later and totally forgot about it =D. Now i wonder if "updatedescription has not been updated" is main cause for broken player relatives in original Aric's mod.

"In, in _on_slavesellbutton_pressed" again, slipped past me. Thx for pointing.

Right now i compare 5.25 bf5, 1.0d bf3 and 1.0d bf3 aric mod, to see what else is missing.

Thx for pointing in my flaws, i appreciate it.

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  • Good idea, but not for me.
  • Nah, they are fine, especially if Jailer is rich or noble origins and get private room.
  • Good idea, but there is already exist special trait Experimenter. You can get Ayda to have him.
  • Good idea, place for girls to rest is a nice one, and higher chance to escape...
  • Seems annoying. You can get some similar experience in Aric's Expansion.
  • Good idea, but requere increase in mansion capacity or implementing "Hiring city guards". Can lead to more contacts with goverment of cities. Also, about attacks: something like growing anxiety of your battles against bandits can lead to mansion ambush or something like. Or robbing part of your money, kidnap girls(bad idea), free jailed(good idea), help displeased to escape (good idea).
  • Good idea for daily event.
  • No need.
  • My third step in TODO list is making "Headhunter" guild, second is allowing player to send group of girls in "wilderness/adventure".
  • My next step in TODO list, and yeah, its placed in Gorn.
  • My four step in TODO list is: or change amberguard witch to exchange girls for items or make new place with new npc, i even got pic for her =P

So we got similar ideas, although, i work in my little free time, beetwen work, sleep, new coming games and IRL. If someone will do them before me feel free.

I also thought that there should be a story mod... My mod is aimed at expanding the gameplay. I especially do not touch storylines.

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Ok, here it is, instructions inside.

Upd. I hope now everything is done, Mutation spell updated to 1.0, meet/interact updated to 1.0. Its happened that game reverted all changes to backuped ones  so all previous uploads is wrong =D. randomportrait Updated.

Upd. 04.26.21 For peoples who don't want to download whole game again, here is AER for Strive 1.0d with bugfix 3. Instructions inside.

Aric's Expansion Rebreed v0.9.7 for 1.0d bf 3. For Strive mod system. Archive with AER, ExpandedSex and randomportraits, all updated for AER.


CRC32: 6670FEF5

MD5: 6DBEDF979AA9C9E8C420E16D896B0002

SHA-1: 12199AE2E3C8C25563C3B18DCBF3A89D10A99A9B

Folder in MEGA with separated mods archives.


Pre-installed game with already activated AER:


CRC32: 97251EE9

MD5: AD2B4F2B104AAFADEF4893894B49C195


Yeah, i think about looking for help. I made separate folders with race related pics, like bunnies, cows, green skins(orcs&goblins), fays, futas, males, etc. Just tell me upon what you are comfortable to work, i will upload folder somewhere.

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Im slowly work upon so needed additions for pack, like males and futas, current amount of cropped pics is 423, which is mostly female(bc i dont like dcks other than mine xD). I hope when summer come, i will have more free time to work upon additions, also, in same free time i work upon my mod for strive, and gonna publish soon stable version. Also, i check for forum updates almost every day. Upd. I have 9 046 of pics to work =D, around 20 min. for every pic, crop 5-15 pics per day. Glad that not all of them need to be processed, bc some of pics has same character or just didnt fit for good croping or game.

Psst! If you need already done 1.0d bugfix 3 compatible version, also with my fixes, feel free to ask.

Its gonna be a LOT of work, especially with some old mods that require ancient game versions.

 First of ideas is to refuse to use mod system and modify original core files. Its much simpler bc u need less comparing and code looking, updates can be easy, come with lot of changes. If they change same string, it can be managed through checking for additional conditions. Adding new strings is no problem. This is my preffered way.

Second, is create sequential list of mods, which need to be activated in strict order, no new from outside can't be added without lot of work. They can be updated separately, but require more time and effort. If they change same string, it can be managed through checking for additional conditions. Adding new strings can be problem, bc mod system insert new string after appointed number of strings in function, which can be changed by adding new string from previous mod and possibly making new string placing wrong, which lead that all mods that use mod system, and placed after afforementioned mod, need to be changed in the spirit of additions.

Btw, there is come another questions: Do we really need all existing mods in one game? Isn't it not only breaking ballance, but also add content, unpleasant for some peoples, or totally useless?

Its a good idea to gather in one place all goods, but as ppls say before it need, lot of hard work, free time, and willing testers. Also, list of mods need to be discused and found a place for uploading changes(like github).

Yes, Umbra. But there still exist bug when u are open selling window all cost for rebelious doubled until u are sell someone, then price dropped for normal value until u again reopen selling window.

Public entertaiments, hunting in marsh or coast for high lvl slaves then selling in sguild or in amber for 2x price(bc of bugged cost when slave is rebelious and u open selling window), regular quest where u are looking for "rich" grade slave(always good), also for start good quest for looking for humanoid female with N hair colour, mb remember smthing else later.

After intimacy just open Statistics, there is count how many times she got pregnancy. New slave has 0 count. 1 mean that she is preg.

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Ok, gonna do this, but what about MyFile?

UPD: Checked all links and they works fine for me. =/

Well, problem is solved =D Enjoy your game =3

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Do  you download whole folder as folder or in ZIP? I checked as ZIP and its downloading is just fine.

Hello, links updated, try now

Updated 05.29.19

Next update gonna be separate and contain only new pics

Est. time end of next month, mb second after or third =3

Updated 04.28.19

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Hello, after some game moding and tagging images i come to suggestion:

In intimation if girl have naked body pic it used, instead of default, u can see as that work in game uniques, pic need to have same name +' naked' to work. Right now im tag naked pic by hand, but hope u can add check box or 'select naked'. I see it working as adding selected picture to modify with current and be tagged like: "tags+from+main+file naked [hashnumbersfrommainfile].png" 

Im add that tag for some pic in my pack but still didnt testing it. Im report here if it work properly.

Since i`m finally have enough free time i can do some playtest and more =3

Also, questions: in my pack i`m adding some mlp related pic, so i can tag them with new races for rpm(random portrait mod) to work with your races, they not too many but i love most of them =3

Oh and aside of playtesting i can upgrade your mod version for work with game latest(and mb with my own mod which i`m gonna soon upload).

And i can try to improve, if you dont mind of course.

links updated

links updated

links updated

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How are u guys&gals? From last time i`m literary drow in work and rl problems. But finaly can find time to work upon pack and mod. Also, after 2 years, i`m finally reach one of game ends =D Right now i`m gonna update old links because write this msg when in work and didn`t have latest pack on that pc. Well, in that moment curent count of imgs 2.600+, bc added&tagged&sometimes edited packs from ArcherC, WiredBrainWaves, Kazama's, and ~300+ totally new(and now 20% better cropped) by me. I`ma retag almost all pics so they can be more various and (sometimes) better fit. Mainly, at least 1/4 of new img is futa + a little of males(to be clear: i`m talking about mine additions). That bc i`m not into guys ans so, but for you i`m trying to tolerate =3.

P.S. deadline for me to upload new version is 04.28.2019

Yes, i`m still alive and finaly found some some time to work upon.

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I`m just don't use mod folder and work straight with game files. Partly bc i have too many changes in different places in files. Trying to separate mod from core gonna be my headache for weeks if not more, So just replace game files, it can solve you problem.

UPD. Also its easier for merging old files with new game version, u can see by yourself what changes new and how they work now. Save a lot of time, really.

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Also putting in jail have same job lock effect on cook or headgirl/jailer/farmer/nurse

Well simple checking "is slave away/in jail" and change job to rest can solve problem, but game didnt do this =/(add note to self: do it in mod)


Lets separate skin and skin coverage: skin template, unless otherwise, is always human, skin coverage has only in nonhuman race, like lamia, arachna, tannuki, etc. and might be as fur, for fox, wolf, cat, tannuki, bunny, scales for dragonkin, arachna, lamia, plant for driad and feathers for harpy. Yes, for more variety of random portrait button selection better to not tag fur color and leave only race+sex+only_hair_color+tits+ass + mb skin color. But for visual matching better to tag fur color, if proper image exist of course(In my opinion at least) "Her skin is a tanned". Or you are meaning random portrait generator? Sorry, i have feeling i didnt understand you =D

Here, look at this displeased kitty who wanna fur back.(now i`m sad, this persian cat remind me about my kitty T_T)

Sounds good =) Game didn`t pick skin color for orc, goblin and dryad bc they always "green", like slime always "jelly"(no matter how many "starch" u put in them =D)

First rule of mod making: Always do backup. Second rule of mod making: Do backup of backup. =D Sometimes save me lot of time. Instead of free space =D

Thx for answering, sorry if i didnt understand u =)

A little about what i`m gonna do next and questions:

  • Gather all exist body+portrait packs in one. Dunno about pack from other games such as Jack-o-nine-tails. What did you think about this? I will try to keep authors tags.
  • Release LQ - Low Quality pack for people who have problem with free space/potato pc(like me xD) - by saying LQ i mean to compress images like that do SexiestManAlive
  • Release with pack some bat file for automated compresing by user [delete_spaces>run_optipng.bat>return_back_spaces](in pack, bc i dont know how to make automated creating filelist without junk and then using in optipng.bat =/ ) Mb you know how to do that? Please help me =D
  • In total i have moar than 2200+ pictures, minus already done ~1200(divide this number by ~3 bc: bckps,diffvers,originals,finalver,and just junks like acindentally downloaded site page xD)
  • How about making SFW pack?
  • My TODO list of ideas for my mod a little increased (a little, so naive) so if i'm miss pack update that doesn't mean im dissapear again, its might mean im all in modding. (Or dissapear again xD)
  • Okay guys, there is a question for all of you, include just users:  If exist clothed and nude/partially nude version of picture - Do i need to include in pack BOTH/ALL files or only nude?

Okay guys, there is a question for all of you, include just users:

If exist clothed and nude/partially nude version of picture - Do i need to include in pack BOTH/ALL files or only nude?

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Thank you for awesome tools, its save a lot of times for us, pic pirates ~yarr <3

Now about bag: If no "race" choiced PPE allow you to press "Apply" then show error. If you then choice race and again press "apply": portrait will be renamed and then moved , without body =_= How about showing warning if no "race" selected or simply move both files to "gender" directory without "race"

Can you separate from hair colors - fur colors? Or can u add tooltip. Ideally will be making "invalid for that race" colors be inactive/grayout. Of cos better to do this as separate option/check box.

Also simple FAQ about what color is normal for what race will be good for common dude who wanna just add some image by self. I dunno about reading parametrs from game files =/

Mb options for create COPY(not moving from original location) will be useful for peopls who wanna to keep their original files.

Thank again for you work! =3

UPD1. found lost picx in root of my disc C in folder Female =D

Sign me up dude =3 I think myself about adding new race but never start the work for it. I keep waiting until there is a good mod support and i know a lot more about programming(which was almost never(but keep hoping xD)) Gonna test u mod when i have another holidays or little more free time. Thanks for you work!

Gonna look, thx.

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Im`a alive xD Update 11.05.18

See main post, bc i`m too lazy to do maintaining of different packs. So its now only all in one which gonna include ALL in one xD

female part work smoothly

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Just first run game with this random portrait script, since in all-in-one only 2 male pics all new male slave have them xD

KK, plan changed, first need lot of male pics =3