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The reason the AI didn't do anything is because there is no AI yet. There is a 'swarm AI' though, just just spams units in your general direction. Multiplayer also exists. It functions, but is kinda unstable.

Most of the complaints we have has been UI and info focused, so we're doing a UI overhaul now, mainly redesigning that sidebar. A big map screen is part of the plan. We'll also be adding a proper map select screen as well as a faction select screen, but there will likely still only be USA faction available then. That should be out by the next Demo Day.

Then, weirdly enough, we need to add 3D.  Currently, we're severely limited in the number of tile types we can have due to them being 2D, which is why there's no transition tiles right now. Static 3D tiles would be a significant improvement. Everything else needs to stay 2D though.

After that, we need to get a fog of war system in. Vision / line of sight/ not being able to shoot through hills, is actually already in but we need to be able to present it visually. That actually ties in with tiles as well.

Then AI, that'll be the big one, but I actually think that will be an easier one to implement. Basically just going to have the AI cheat a lot and copy the main logic from Command and Conquer: Generals.

Anyhow, cheers and hope to bring you an improved version in the next round.


Definitely a lot of moving pieces but it all sounds like a solid plan! See you next time :)