Hiya, thanks for playing!
I guess I should've mentioned that the jumps don't work like in other platformers -- since you have very little control in the air, you have to press forward before jumping in order to get across platforms. (I know this may be controversial to believers in coyote time ;))
The ESC behavior is just what the browser does; that's why the pause menu is bound to P instead. In the future I'll see if I can leave it bound to both (after all, if the browser releases the cursor, you probably want the game to pause anyway).
I think I may have unintentionally made the game a bit too hard for a jam :`) it definitely takes a bit of practice to properly use the tools. Lesson learned for next time, hopefully!
I agree, the music is great! (I didn't make it, so I can say that :D) I thought the two pieces worked really well together.
Thank you again for playing, and especially for your feedback <3