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(1 edit) (-6)

are you seriously that dumb

Look, first off, a quick tip to solve subtraction sums (let's start with +A-B=C) where the subtrahend is larger than the minuend (B>A) is to swap their positions (+B-A=-1C), do the sum, and then reverse the difference (+A-B=C).

Like...what if you wanted to work out 3-8? You swap their positions so you try to work out 8-3, and no worries, it's 5. Then you just reverse 5 and make -5, and poof! 3-8=-5! You know the difference between 3 and 8 is like 5. So if the larger number is the minuend (B), you know the difference is gonna be negative.

Also, what about an addition where the first addend is negative (-A+B=C)? No worries again. If it helps just swap them completely over (+B-A=C). Poof, subtraction is no different to addition except that it has negative numbers. Or if the positive addend isn't enough to make the sum not negative (-A+B<0), just go and swap all their roles (+A-B=-1C). Then go and reverse the sum.

Like -11+7 is... well, +11-7=4 so -11+7=-4.

Also remember, +- is -, -+ is - and -- is +. Basically if the operators are different it's minus and if they're the same it's plus. Like 5--7=12 and 9-+3=6. It's also the case when multiplying any two numbers: 4×-6=-24 and -5×-7=35.

Finally, remember your plus tables. Also, have you ever worked out 4+8×5=60 and been told WRONG??? We don't just straight-up go left to right anymore! You use the PEMDAS method. So do all the multiplying and dividing first left to right and THEN do the addition and subtractions. So, 4+8×5 is apparently 44. Anyway.

It's literally easier than squeezing one lemon...(well maybe it's just because I have dermatitis and minimal access to lemons)

seriously how did you not get the hang of it yet


Hey. Don’t call him dumb, okay? He’s giving his best.




I feel like calling him dumb is a bit far and mean. Yeah he is really slow and does have trouble with math, but i feel calling him dumb is kinda mean. It may not even be his fault. He could just be slow. And yeah he is trying his best which is all he can do of course