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hey thundr i’m having some trouble with one of the units so I’m bailing some alfalfa hay on the Elk Mountain map and I set it to measure the bale in tons but when I release the bale each time and I start to form a new bale it keeps switching back to pounds how do I fix that problem I don’t want the bales being measured in pounds I want them being measured in tons

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I think I know why that is happening, and it's partially an issue I'll have to fix on my end. I'll have to run a baler and see what it does on my end. In the meantime, you could set your units up, listing ton before pound. Something like this.

    <unitSet name="imperial">
        <units reset="true">
            <unit name="cubicFoot" precision="1/>
            <unit name="ton" precision="1"/>
            <unit name="pound"/>

Hope that helps

thanks bro hopefully it will work if it doesn't i'll let you know

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You could also set the fillTypes directly.

    <fillType name="alfalfa_windrow>
            <unitSet name="imperial">
                <unit name="ton" precision="1"/>

Do the same for dryAlfalfa_windrow (as well as any of the other balable types such as straw, grass_windrow, dryGrass_windrow, etc).

You could ALSO make a group for all of those and set it at group level.

    <group name="grass" title="Grass"> (you could name it anything)
            <unitSet name="imperial"/>
                <unit name="ton" precision="1"/>

    <fillType name = "alfalfa_windrow" group="grass"/>
    <fillType name ="dryAlfalfa_windrow" group="grass"/>

Point is, you have quite a few options at your disposal. But I will look into the issue. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!