Is there anything wrong with the key binding?
Also, if you haven't gotten very far yet, why not consider just purging all of your save files and starting again. See if anything helps.
About the key bindings, I'd be honest with this, not sure if this is a problem or if it's normal, but when I click the "Controls" button, I get this...qNothing appears, just a black line with a "DONE" button attached to it.
This happened with the alpha 0.0.9 of the game and I got the same "Player not moving" problem. I got the new version just today and this problem continued. I don't even know...
Noooooo I'm talking about the files at C:\Users\PUTYOURNAMEINHERE\AppData. I forgot whether Local, LocalLow or Roaming has it but there should be a folder called "STROBOVSKY" in there. I meant try the save data, not exactly the game data.
Look, I got my achievements corrupted and they were all big red Windows error signs. Maybe your save files are corrupted as well.