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(2 edits)

One of the few entries that implemented a sort of timer mechanism and also on of the few with animation (the opening hatch and the spinning character) - good job! Some suggestions:

* Make sure to allow for the entire loop to be repeatable/replayable (e.g. if you are in a "lose" condition by getting stuck, allow a button press to reset the level without having to reload the entire page/cart, same with the "win" condition, either have it automatically go back to the start or allow it with a button press). Side note: you could actually go back from the win screen haha, you might want to disable the controls (except probably for a reset button) after you have reached the end.

* With how you programmed the game - I assume you can easily create more levels relatively quickly. Next time, try to imagine how you can modularize the code (e.g. recording all the hatch locations) so you could reuse them. If you do it right, you can add more levels in a heartbeat with little effort!

Great job and congratulations, you passed the TIC-80 course!