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You nailed the Overcooked mechanic perfectly! Love the small details on your game that improve the experience:

* Highlighted icons signifying orders in "danger"

* The summary screen ala "Papers, Please"

Some suggestions:

* Make it clear that there's a second level (at least for this game jam)! I know people should play as much of the game as they can but it's quite possible that they stop without seeing the second level they would be a little hard pressed in evaluating the game's adherence to the theme without it.

* Increase the area for picking up/putting down orders. You could also try to snap the character in place when it's near the area but it's easier to address it by just increasing the collision area for that one.

* Actually, increase the size of the game elements! It would be easier to see all the great artwork you have made and you would reduce all the negative space around it.

You already passed the course before (lol) but congrats on a job well done!