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Great adherence to the theme - I've actually had this idea myself (but I ended up choosing another idea which turned out to be not possible [haha] so I resorted to a 3rd idea)! Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you wanted to capture the style of a game called "VVVVVV"? If that's what you were going for, great job I recognized it! Also, good job on creating several levels - each one with its own unique quirk!

Some suggestions:

* Try to add indicators (or some more hints if you don't want it too obvious) on what the "middle" is in the first level. I thought it was square on a cell but it turned out to be between 2 cells.

* Add checkpoints! Some of the levels require some trial and error and you don't want a penalty of going back all the way to the start if your guess was wrong.

* I know the main character you are controlling is the one with the smiley face but it may not be easily understood by other players. You can add a small hint about that.

Great job and congratulations, you have passed the TIC-80 course!