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thank you for your review! We're glad you enjoyed it, and we appreciate all the points you make in this post. 

We were surprised in a positive way while we read your comment, because some of the points that you make are actually in line with what we planned but didn't get to implement yet, while others like the one about cleaning the nest or making food, etc. we found interesting. A thing we thought we could do is having the computer break, and having to brood the egg yourself, or stuff like that.

Dialog trees and unlocking different activities are definately something we want to do.

The one about also having to take care of yourself by eating, etc. we hadn't thought much about before, but sounds super interesting, and it could make the gamplay better. We'll explore it, thanks.

Anyway, thanks for playing our demo and giving such an insightful review. it's really motivating for us :D