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I totally understand.

We didn't used to have social media in this world.  Imagine standing in the center of an auditorium, or a football/soccer field, and having everyone yell their opinions about your work at you.  No-one would put up with that--they would try to leave.  It's completely overwhelming!  Unfortunately, not only are we now expected to continue standing in the center of that crowd of shouting people, we're also expected to both listen to and answer or placate every voice aiming a comment or criticism our way.  It's ridiculous.  You don't have to do that.  No-one has to do that.  It's an inhuman expectation.

That being said, I appreciate your honesty, and your vulnerability.  I do not feel that it is owed to me, nor do I want you to feel as if you owe it to your audience either.  I appreciate the bravery and sincerity required to write so honestly, and I respect that very much.

As far as your game; though I haven't played it in four months, I recall it being well-done, being mysterious, and wanting to figure it out and feeling very challenged.  I also personally do not recall there being any major English language usage issues (I can be a bit sensitive to that if I feel it impedes immersion, and I don't recall feeling that way about your game).  I also recall reading the commentaries/threads and discussions before I purchased it, and got the sense that it would not be a typical otome.  Additionally, I feel the main character has a good sense of agency, but that the world around her is duplicitous and out to use her.

In any case, congratulations on the hard work, perseverance and effort that went in to making this game!  It's a remarkable achievement.  Not everyone has the courage, skills, or will to even attempt what you've managed to do.  I'm glad that you're proud; you should be!


Thank you very much! Your comment is incredibly kind, warm and full of acceptance.

Thanks again for telling us your impressions about the game and MC. We find your opinion not only deep, but also cute. We are very pleased that you have treated our game this way.

Thank you for recognizing our hard work. It helps us a lot to cope with being in the middle of a screaming crowd.