I did and i already got his 1st heart (I picked him when Othra asked me during the celebration). Othra has no heart, but her likes is 68. I only got cleansing, relic, meditate, and cleansing water option from her but not Bonding. Help meeeee
I think you need to have Othra 1st heart to trigger bonding event.
Othra's heart is not needed, you need Othra’s or Roushk’s first heart, End Hunting contest; enter Ruins at Daytime.
This trigger a scene witho Othra an after that between 10 and 18 you the option "bonding" appears if talking to her
Ahh I see! Thank for correct it. >:D
what do you mean by end hunting contest?
There will be a quest from Rhot name 'Hunting contest'. You need to get it and finish it.