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This was my second jam, for some reason even though it was 10 days (and not 48h like my first jam) and I picked a simpler idea, I had a much harder time this time around! It may be because for the first jam I devoted my entire weekend to it and had no other duties, whereas the last two weeks have been extremely busy (I am a PhD student and I have teaching duties, and my undergrads needed revision sessions before their exams, so it was quite chaotic). This has really shown me the importance of making a timeline, prioritizing features, and setting distraction-free time to work on my games! More time does not necessarily mean the result will be better. Also, I started off being a lot more organized and purposeful in my architecture, but as the time went by and I felt the pressure, I started writing spaghetti code and... I came to regret it, I have to say! This is a great way to remember: do it nice, or do it twice!

Everyday life influence work time a lot, a shoutout to the TA out there haha. 

I made a big draft of the project before I started with the architecture I was going to implement to follow the state of the game and it really helped me get started. I was more confident I could work on the gameplay knowing that the backbone of the game was stable and convenient to build on.