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Nice level scale, making the frog feel small to the world with the large logs, grass and mushrooms. The church kinda stands out then as in comparison to the large tree.

Movement feels like walking on ice, slippery - it's easy to fall of edges. And quite hard to precisely jump on platforms. Especially very punishing inside the tree and at the water stage - 1 slip up and you have to reset.

I love the sacrifice mechanic. Very on theme and a nice mechanic to create to some puzzles. A note though: After you sacrifice the body has physics and can roll down the hill and get stuck or below the world.

I like the lightning near the key - really tells the player where to go - there is something important here.

However it's not easy to tell where to go after that - the level gates are not as obviuous- it took me at least 15 minutes to find the first gate ;)

In the beginning tree part I had to cheat a bit. The ghost form resetted for me there a lot, and had to get the key by dropping from the top.

The texts on screen goes away quickly when you move - letting you easily miss important info.

If you can tell the mechanics and objectives of the game withough too much words, that would be awesome.

Well done you submitted the nice project you have! You have made a lot of puzzle elements in the level in a short time. I enjoyed the sacrifice animation and hard jumping puzzles!

Thank you so much for the detailed response, we really appreciate it! Thank you for all the feedback as well, we didn't have a lot of time to bug test too much and no one outside of us play-tested it. We are definitely going to add a little bit more direction and hints as you suggested and in retrospect finding the loading areas is not really obvious. For the first tree level, you were supposed to drop down to get the key, but like you (and others) stated, there wasn't really enough guidance to indicate what the player should actually do, so we will definitely be working on that. Again, thanks for the really detailed response! We are glad you liked it!