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I like the artwork, but I didn't know where the gameplay started lol. And Brohmyr is right, even in full screen, the artwork is blocking the main menu.

ok il try his fix



Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I did see the fix to the main menu, but I still have no clue what the gameplay is? Either way good hotfix on the main menu

what the game play so your just stuck in main menu

when I move around, I start to understand that you switch to a "afterlife" when you touch the bush and turn into the Blackbox, but then when you make it up the stairs and push the rock, it goes off the cliff and when you move off the cliff there is no reset. So I don't know where the game goes from there


ok so you have to states deth and alive in the dethe state there are somthings like stairs in life you can see some butt nott others you need too retrive your body to continu